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Grow your online fundraising - yes you can!

Fueling Online Fundraising By Amy Sewell

What you need to know to grow your online fundraising! Email is your online fundraising backbone—accounting for around 26 percent of online revenue at most organizations. However, the size of your email file has a direct relationship with your ability to fundraise on this channel.If you are comparing online donations and email send dates you…

Story - get it straight!

Get Your Story Straight By Mark L. Vincent

Institutional Memory and How to Get your Story Straight Institutional memory and story are the subject of this blog post. Just a few years in a leadership role pushes a leader into multiple moments when someone says, “I don’t subscribe to our organizational values the way they’re expressed.”  Or, they say “I wasn’t here when…

Outcomes Conference 2019. - THANK YOU to the wonderful sponsors and exhibitors.

Abounding in Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving for the featured sponsors and exhibitors – #Outcomes19 Christian Leadership Alliance gives thanks for the sponsors and exhibitors who supported the Outcomes Conference 2019. This post is in honor of the ministries, organizations and businesses that dedicate their time, talents and resources to strengthening those called to lead and serve in churches, nonprofit ministry…

Empty Board seats - how do you fill them?

Empty Board Seats By Dr. Gary Hoag

Filling Empty Board Seats How did the early church select an overseer to fill an empty board seat (and what does this have to do with Holy Week)? Most answer this question by pointing to the qualifications lists of 1 Timothy 3:1–7 or Titus 1:5–10. While these texts list character traits to look for in…

An Undivided Heart

Living from Quiet By Nancy Reece

Living from Quiet with Undivided Hearts I often go to a nearby retreat center to experience quite, solitude and stillness.  One of my early mentors taught me that there are things God does in the heart of a leader that only get done in quiet.  A few years ago, I went to Penuel with my…

What is Active Leadership? By Robert McFarland

How would you define “Active Leadership” ? “Active Leadership” is leadership that is fully engaged and intentional. Active Leaders think through the impact they want to have—and the thinking they need to cultivate to achieve it—and they deliberately use every opportunity they have to influence their followers to that end. They take their responsibility as…

A Change That Changes Everything By R. Scott Rodin

A Change of Perspective that Changes Everything A change in your perspective can change everything for you. Ask Christian leaders what they hope Jesus says to them when they stand before him at the end of their life. Most will quote Matthew 25:21, “Well done, good and faithful servant. Come and share your Master’s happiness.”…

Steward leaders shepherd flourishing teams!

Flourishing Teams By RightNow Media@Work

Servant Leaders Shepherd Flourishing Teams A young cashier looked up from his register and noticed a group of older gentlemen emerging from a car outside the fast-food restaurant. Curiously, instead of walking together toward the door, they scattered around the parking lot. He couldn’t see what they were doing until they regrouped and approached the…

Finding your personal path to generosity

Awaken Personal Generosity By Patrick Johnson

More than Ministry: Defining Your Personal Generosity Path At GenerousChurch, I’ve observed that people who practice whole-life generosity listen to Jesus. As a nonprofit leader, you have the privilege of shepherding others. You are obedient, faithful, compassionate, and tireless. You bear burdens each day. But are you a listener? Are you letting Jesus carry your…

Purpose or Assignment By Ron Frey

God’s Purpose or My Assignment? The guest speaker at church shocked me with this statement: “God has not given you a purpose in life!” You could hear a pin drop as we waited for the next line. He repeated it for emphasis. “You do not have a God-given life purpose!” As he explained how trying…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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