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Trading anxious for possibility changes everything!

Why Be Anxious? By Mark L. Vincent

There’s power in exchanging anxious for possibility! It was tempting to be anxious when a recent winter morning brought glare ice and inability to travel and honor some face-to-face appointments.  Coming back inside after a fruitless attempt to leave our driveway, we learned that not only was our internet out but our phone package did…

Avoid the appearance of wrong doing!

Avoid the Appearance of Wrongdoing By Lee Ellis

Avoid the Appearance of Wrongdoing – A Leader’s Reminder You’re in a work or ministry situation where it’s not necessarily wrong or improper, but the appearance of your activity or decision could mistakenly be construed as a wrongdoing. What do you do? Launch forward and accept the consequences or avoid the appearance of wrongdoing altogether?…

Great doors swing on little hinges!

Lionel Mayell: Great Doors with Little Hinges By Ney Bailey

Did you know that great doors swing on little hinges? I’ve heard it said, “Great doors swing on little hinges’ and at 5’2″, Lionel Mayell was a “little hinge.” Lionel had a huge impact on Christianity in the last century (and into the present day)—perhaps more than anyone else. Lionel Mayell I choke up when…

Discover the different the Holy Spirit will make to your board governance.

The Holy Spirit and Board Governance By Dr. Gary Hoag

What difference does the Holy Spirit bring to board governance? Board members of Christ-centered churches and ministries face a great temptation. We can fall into the trap of ruling and controlling the work at a church or ministry, rather than serving as overseers of work that belongs to God. How do we avoid this pitfall?…

Increase SEO Value By DJ Chuang

  Six Steps To Increase SEO Value Of Your Nonprofit Website A lot has changed for the internet and search engine optimization (SEO), but there are some tried and true ways to increase your site’s rankings and bring you the traffic you need to grow. Here are six industry-proven steps you can incorporate today. Use…

Are you a lifelong learner?

A Pursuit of Lifelong Learning By W. Scott Brown

Are you dedicated to lifelong learning? Here at Christian Leadership Alliance we believe deeply in lifelong learning. That’s because we know it’s how you will best hone your skills to have lasting impact for Christ. That’s why we’re offering a dynamic lineup of in-depth, yet practical and biblically-based, learning experiences at The Outcomes Conference in Dallas,…

Pursuing your treasure in 2019.

Pursue Your Treasure By Scott Rodin

Pursuing Your Treasure in 2019 When it comes to treasure, sometimes the shortest and simplest words of Jesus are the most profoundly challenging. Consider this well-known teaching of Jesus, “where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Matthew 6:21) Your Pursuit As we begin 2019, it’s a good time to consider the treasure…

Tips for effective coaching!

Effective Coaching By Heather Mausz

Tips for Effective Coaching As more organizations move away from standard performance reviews in favor of coaching programs that focus on the reward of career growth, many leaders find they need guidance on how to make a coaching program successful. Success relies on both coaches and those being coached keeping a few key things in…

Winter Term - Outcomes Academy Online

New Year and a Better You

A New Year is the perfect time to invest in becoming a better you! A New Year represents a new beginning and a renewed commitment to becoming a better you. As a nonprofit leader, this is an excellent time to strengthen your leadership and improve  your overall effectiveness.  It has been seen through time that…

Re-focusing generosity that reflects the heart of the Father.

Re-Focused Generosity By Patrick Johnson

Re-Focused Generosity: Mirroring Our Father’s Heart Do you remember what generosity feels like to give a child an unexpected gift? I love recalling when I’ve been sidelined by my love for my children…a meaningful “way-past-my-bedtime” phone call with one in college or a “dad’s-gone nuts-and-mom-may-kill-him” giant sticky ice cream cone before dinner are gifts that…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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