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My Top Ten Books of 2024 By Alec Hill

Books Worthy of Recommendation

Reading books is vital for leaders. It provides wisdom, sharpens judgment, bolsters public speaking, and connects us with others. 

“Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.”

~ Harry Truman

Here is my top 10 best book list for 2024. I encourage you to keep on reading!

(1) Veritas: A Harvard Professor, a Con Man, and the Gospel of Jeusus’s Wife by Ariel Sabar

A decade ago, a Harvard Divinity School professor made international news by claiming to have discovered an ancient manuscript proving that Jesus was married. But it wasn’t true. Reading like a detective story, the author unmasks the actor behind the fraud and the gullible academic who took the bait.  

(2) The Life and Legend of the Sultan Saladin by Johnthan Philips

Famous for defeating the Crusaders in the 12th century, Saladin remains a larger-than-life hero to most Muslims today. If we want to understand their aspirations and frustrations better, it is imperative that we get to know Saladin. He is both more interesting and nuanced than I expected.

(3) A State at Any Cost: The Life of David Ben-Furion by Tom Segev

Israel’s “founding father,” David Ben-Gurion, served as the nation’s first prime minister. A complicated man, he was both secular and leftist. His narrative exemplifies all the complexities of modern Israel. The “Arab problem” was there from the beginning. This is an inspiring and troubling book.

(4) The Good Shepherd: A Thousand Year Journey from Pslam 23 to the New Testament by Kenneth E. Bailey

The shepherd metaphor is traced through nine biblical passages – four in the Old Testament and five in the New. Having lived in the Middle East for most of his life, the author brings rich cultural and pastoral care to his work. I recommend the book as a daily devotional, but it is much more than that.    

(5) First: Sandra Day O’Connor: An Intimate Portrait of the First Woman Supreme Court Justice by Evan Thomas

Finishing near the top of her class at Stanford Law School, the future Supreme Court justice found herself gender barred from prestigious legal jobs. She found employment only after offering to work for no pay. Her story of tenacity and grit reads like a novel.   

(6) The Pope at War: The Secret History of Pius XII, Mussolini, and Hitler by David I. Kertzer

Recently released documents reveal Pope Pius XII’s shocking appeasement of the Axis powers during World War II. To protect the institutional church, he mostly turned a blind eye to the plight of Jews and the persecution of priests. Whereas his predecessor resisted Mussolini and Hitler, Pius XII acquiesced.  

(7) From Strength to Strength: Finding Success, Happiness and Deep Purpose in the Second Half of Life by Arthur C. Brooks

Did you know that our cognitive and physical skills decline in our thirties? Ouch. But all is not doom and gloom. In the second half of our lives, we develop wisdom, making us better leaders, mentors, and teachers. This book is full of thought-provoking and life-altering insights.

(8) Where the Wind Leads: A Refugee Family’s Miraculous Story of Loss, Rescue, and Redemption by Dr. Vinh Chung

At age three, the author’s family fled persecution in Vietnam as “boat people.” His saga of rescue at sea, resettlement in Arkansas, coming to faith, and becoming a doctor is truly inspirational. As a young man, I helped find new homes for refugees. Dr. Chung reminded me why this is the Lord’s work.  

(9) The Silk Roads: A New History of the World by Peter Frankopan

For history buffs, this is simply an amazing book. Using trade routes as his centering theme, the author starts with the ancient Silk Road from Europe to China, moves onto sea routes of the New World, and loops back to central Asia and the Middle East for current oil markets. Lots of larger-than-life personalities appear. Highly readable.  

(10) Redeemed by Fire: The Rise of Popular Christianity in Modern China by Lian Xi

The author, a professor at Duke Divinity School, provides a rich account of the indigenous Chinese church in the 20th century. Full of colorful characters, his stories about the charismatic movement are particularly engaging. Western missionaries play a very small role in this account.


Alec Hill is President Emeritus of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship USA.

And because we know you are a leader – here is more to read!

Enjoy the Winter edition of Outcomes Magazine. The focus of this issue is “Generations.”


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