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image bearer

The Image-Bearer By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Being an Image-Bearer and Steward Being a reflection of God changes how we respond in relationships – in love, life, and loss. Being God’s image-bearer transforms how we steward power and leadership. I work as a leader in a ministry focused on the struggles of relationships and the broken strategies that impact us because of…

Dr.Rob McKenna

God is Already Up in My Business By Dr. Rob McKenna

Finding Faith in God in Our Work So many leaders I work with feel dissatisfied with their faith, especially regarding how their faith in God is enacted in their work. They aren’t dissatisfied with God but with their ability to bring their beliefs’ full impact to their work and leadership. They feel it is their…


Legacy By Dr. Brian S. Simmons

The Legacy of a Steward Leader What does Scripture say about the legacy of a steward leader? “How joyful are those who fear the Lord and delight in obeying His commands.  Their children will be successful everywhere.  An entire generation of godly people will be blessed.  They, themselves, will be wealthy, and their good deeds…

Emerging Leaders

Time for Emerging Leaders to Shine Bright By ZÁNDRA BISHOP

Emerging Leaders – Capture Attention and Accelerate Your Journey! For emerging leaders, standing out is like navigating a bustling marketplace, where a blend of strategic thinking, authenticity, and savvy communication is essential.  If you’re on this path, you know that gaining the recognition of peers and stakeholders is pivotal. But how can you ensure your…

Christian Leadership Alliance

The Gift of Gratitude By Dr. Bob Snyder

Recovering Childlike Gratitude Where has my thankfulness for the simple gifts of life gone? Where is my childlike gratitude? As I have “matured,” a mindset of entitlement has emerged, diminishing my appreciation. Am I capable of a childlike thankful heart anymore? When we were in South Africa, my wife visited an orphanage. Her descriptions and…

Attune with God

Attune to God’s Guidance By Tracy Mathews

Attune and Tap in the Source How attuned are you? Do you struggle with insecurity, irritability, or being overwhelmed by your leadership? Do you face toxic relationships, uncertainties, or challenges you are unsure how to address? If you’re reading this post, I guess that you’re likely to believe that, through faith in Jesus, we have…

Two questions that determine your life as a leader

Two Questions for Every Leader By R. Scott Rodin

The Questions and the Answers that Define Your Life In the animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender, Prince Zuko‘s uncle confronts him at a pivotal moment in the movie. His questions to the young prince are penetrating: “I’m begging you, Prince Zuko. It’s time for you to look inward and begin asking yourself the big…

The Epidemic of Procrastination

The Eleventh-Hour Epidemic By Zándra Bishop

Procrastination is a Potential Epidemic Imagine a busy city at the peak of rush hour—streets buzzing with activity, people scurrying from building to building, and the air charged with a palpable sense of urgency. This scene mirrors the atmosphere in many organizations today, where waiting until the last minute has become a common practice. The…


Stewarding Heaven By Jon Lewis

A Heavenly Wake-Up Call A little over a week ago, my world was rocked by the tough, unexpected news that my younger brother had been diagnosed with an inoperable malignant brain tumor. Even now, we are still awaiting biopsy results that will inform us about possible medical treatments that might extend his time with us.…

Understanding th path to wellbeing

In Search of Well-Being By Dr. Zenet Maramara

Definition and Christian Perspective on Well-Being The Oxford Dictionary defines well-being as “the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy.” For Christians, well-being reflects the Trinitarian life of God, characterized by flourishing within a community. This idea is deeply rooted in God’s nature as a relational being—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in perfect communion. This…


 What is Christian Leadership Alliance?

Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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