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Promoting Polycentric Participation By Dr. Gary G. Hoag

A Polycentric Approach to Christian Mission In recent years, Christian workers have used the term “polycentric,” meaning “many centers,” associated with the Christian mission to proclaim that it should not be understood as “from the West to the rest” but rather “from everywhere to everywhere.” But what has not been discussed as widely has been…

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Your Church Building Project by Dr. Gary G. Hoag

Biblical Advice for Your Church Building Project Want biblical advice for your next church building project that works around the world? Read this post or share it with anyone you know looking to launch a church building project. I aim to show how common practices that may work don’t align with our Christian faith and…

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Sustainability According to the Scriptures by Dr. Gary G. Hoag

Mindset for the Sustainability of Churches and Ministries What mindset should stewards have regarding the sustainability of operations? Churches and ministries need funding to address local needs, aid those in crisis, teach students, and deploy missionaries. The world says, “Resources are scarce. Supply is limited to man’s capacity. So, as a result, you must hoard…

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Put Your Houses in Order By Gary G. Hoag

God Expects our Houses to be in order! God cares that pastors and ministry administrators have their houses in order. How do we know this? Jesus put the temple in order twice. After performing His first miracle at the start of His ministry, we read about the first time in John 2:13-16. When it was…

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Turn Dependency into Discipleship By Dr. Gary G. Hoag

This post offers a biblical solution to the global problem. Christians and ministries face it and even unknowingly foster it through their international giving. It’s called dependency. To gain biblical insight for addressing it, let us look at the interaction between Jesus and the disciples in the account of the feeding of the five thousand…

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Audit Lessons from Ezra By Gary G. Hoag

A Biblical Perspective on Your Financial Audit Does your church or ministry engage an independent financial audit? Churches and ministries that do this best practice in the USA and abroad tend to build trust and raise more money. The possibility of greater giving motivates many to do this extra work. But I want to suggest…

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Flourishing in Faith and Work By Dr. Zenet Maramara

Learn to Flourish in Faith and Work We recently hosted a webinar called “Flourishing in Faith and Work” wherein the participants came from various backgrounds and understanding of the theology of work. One of the ladies in my breakout group says that she works for economic reasons. She is a young single mom who works…

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Planning with God’s Purpose and Perspective By Dr. Zenet Maramara

Planning and Setting Goals God’s Way We start a new year by planning and setting goals that we want to accomplish. Then, we create metrics that tell us whether we achieved those goals. Unfortunately, it has not been easy to plan in the last couple of years, much less predict and evaluate results because the…

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Cross Border Giving Around the World By Dr. Gary Hoag

Constructive Cross Border Giving Around the World As we draw closer to Christ and grow in generosity, our heart of compassion enlarges for addressing big needs around the world. People cry for help, and we want to respond. But often our aid creates unhealthy dependency on external support. What if there is a way to…

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