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Proxy Voting and the Erroneous Implications By Richard Todd

Proxy Voting and What Christians Must Understand Proxy voting is the delegation to cast a ballot on behalf of a shareholder. Most shareholders do not attend board meetings and delegate that responsibility. Shareholders and their proxies have typically voted on myriad issues: executive compensation, board of directors make-up, budget, mergers, and bylaws. However, with greater…

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Values Alignment In Investing By Richard Todd and Sarah Newman

Asking Questions About Values Alignment Investing is More Important Than Ever! Biblically responsible investing in the faith-based institutional world is growing as more products come onto the market, making it easier for faith-based institutions to invest in alignment with their beliefs. There are no official published screening guidelines for Protestants to follow, but most agree…

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When Is the Best Time to Invest? By Sarah Newman

When is the best time for a nonprofit to invest? In every portfolio construction presentation to nonprofit organizations, we anticipate this question: “What dollar amount is right to invest in our organization’s excess funds?” Some nonprofits want to start a foundation or endowment with a targeted dollar amount. Some organizations also look for an answer…

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Values and Investments By Richard Todd and Sarah Newman

Why Evaluate the Values of Your Investment Providers? Organizations with a strong focus on environmental concerns have not been shy about requiring that the money managers and vendors they work with hold values congruent with theirs. We believe religious organizations should likewise evaluate whether their advisors and managers are in alignment with their values and…

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How to Grow Operating Reserves By Natalie Roderick

You Can Intentionally Grow Your Operating Reserves Most nonprofits are comfortable in having sufficient operating reserves to ensure their continuity, whether 30 days of reserves, three months, or even longer. Many are keeping these reserves in a checking or money market account, even when the dollar amount may be in the millions.  An idea to…

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