CLA Podcast Series - Created for Leaders Like You
A Leader2leader Podcast Series - The Journey to Thriving
To kick off 2025, CLA introduces another Leader2Leader podcast series. In The Journey to Thriving, we explore the personal stories of leaders and their journeys to thriving. Learn from their stories, what they've experienced, and the spiritual practices that align them with God's best plans for their lives and ministries.
Christian Leadership Alliance gives thanks to our Leader2Leader Podcast Sponsor for this series>
ECFA is a growing community of leading churches and ministries committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity. Maintaining integrity and earning trust requires intentional, hard work.
A Leader2Leader Podcast Series - Words of Wisdom
In this Leader2Leader podcast, you will learn from the wisdom of nonprofit leaders who have been faithful stewards of what God has called them to do. They will share their perspectives on leadership and lessons learned along the way.
Christian Leadership Alliance is grateful for this special Leader2Leader Podcast Sponsor >
FaithSearch consultants bring over 130 years of cumulative experience in faith-based executive search. If you're looking for leaders who can make a difference for the kingdom throughout your organization – people who will positively impact your people and community – reach out to FaithSearch. They excel in securing leaders for Christian media, nonprofits, higher education, ministries, and faith-driven organizations.
Outcomes Magazine Audio Edition
Enjoy audio versions of Outcomes Magazine articles! Listen to the contributors' voices as you learn from their perspectives and experiences. The spoken versions will be released 30 days after the digital print version is published. You will also be able to access the audio from the article when the audio is released!
The Outcomes Conference Podcast
This podcast captures the voices of Alliance members who participated in The Outcomes Conference.
CLA Members enjoy 24/7 access to all the video versions of these podcasts!