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Created for Kingdom Impact By Martha Brangenberg

Here’s the Bottom Line: You Were Created for Kingdom Impact

We all want to make a Kingdom impact; we all want to transform the world for Christ. And here’s the thing: God has placed you right where you are to do exactly that! iWork4Him: Change the Way You Think About Your Faith at Work is today’s guide for the everyday believer. Filled with real-life stories, practical tools and resources, and biblical encouragement designed to help you engage in your Kingdom calling NOW!

Ted’s Story

In Chapter 1 of iWork4Him, Ted Hains recounts visiting the Marine Reserves with his friend Doug during his senior year of high school. It was the height of the Korean War, patriotism was running high, and both boys were interested in joining up. However, while visiting the Rock Island Arsenal, Ted decided he wasn’t ready for the military and postponed signing up. A few months later, the local Marine Reserves were called up, and before Ted had graduated, Doug died in combat.

Although he is now 88, Ted writes that he still thinks about Doug and wonders who he would have become and what would have happened if they’d talked about the gospel before he passed away.

No Guarantees

We placed Ted’s story at the beginning of iWork4Him because it embodies our bottom line:  none of us are guaranteed tomorrow. Each conversation you have with someone could be the last one and the most important one. So, ask yourself – when you encounter coworkers, neighbors, and friends do they encounter you or Jesus?

Your Opportunity

If you genuinely want to transform the world for Christ, remember that it happens one conversation at a time! Talk about the things of eternal value TODAY. As Ted wrote at the end of Chapter 1,

“Let those you work with know that Jesus changed your life. Let them know God loves them, and then see what God does next.”


Martha Brangenberg is the co-host of iWork4Him, the Top-Rated Faith and Work Podcast. Martha and her husband, Jim,  share testimonies, interview authors and speakers, and tack topics to encourage you to look at your workplace as your mission field.

To hear more incredible stories like Ted’s and gain practical tips on sharing your faith at work, purchase iWork4Him: Change the Way You Think About Your Faith at Work for you and your team!.



God has a calling on your life, right where you are! 

The iWork4Him Trilogy was written to bridge the gap between your Sunday morning worship and Monday morning alarm by teaching you to engage with your local mission field. Filled with the combined wisdom of 54 contributors and ministries, iWork4Him, sheWorks4Him, and iRetire4Him offer a wealth of practical tools, resources, and biblical encouragement to help you unlock your purpose and engage in your Kingdom calling today! 

You will get detailed BIBLICAL information and FAITH-BASED how-tos through real-life stories that will challenge YOU while serving in “the field.” Join iWork4Him founders, Jim and Martha Brangenberg, as they unlock God’s everyday purpose and calling for His people. 


Lead Like Jesus presents a LIVE stream event that will feature well-known speakers in the faith-based arena, including author Patrick Lencioni, best-selling author and coach Jon Gordon, stress relief coach Lauren Miller, and Ken Harrison, CEO of Promise Keepers! Plus, Passion Music will lead worship!.







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Christian Leadership Alliance equips and unites leaders to transform the world for Christ. We are the leaders of Christ-centered organizations who are dedicated to faithful stewardship for greater kingdom impact.

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