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10 Keys to a Strong Nonprofit Organization by Tom Okarma

By Tom Okarma While all ministries are different from one another and have their own unique characteristics, the ones that consistently impact their chosen niches in a positive way and generate successful outcomes are those performing well in several common, important areas. They may not be “best in class” candidates in any of them but…

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CNLA: Equipping Nonprofit Leaders

Christian Nonprofit Leadership Academy 2015 Christian Leadership Alliance presents the Christian Nonprofit Leadership Academy (CNLA) as one of the many leadership training experiences offered at The Outcomes Conference: CLA Dallas 2015. CNLA is an extensive academic experience for equipping nonprofit leaders. This year,  CLA offers 8 class options that last 12.5-hours each over a 2-day…

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Washington Watch: Charitable Tax Policy Trends | An Interview by Laura Leonard

An Interview by Laura Leonard Outcomes recently spoke with Rhett Butler, director of government relations at Gammon & Grange Consulting, LLC (GGC). Butler has more than 18 years of government relations and federal government experience in Washington, D.C. What is the goal of the Faith & Giving Coalition, and how can Christian leaders engage? Ministries…

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3 Leadership Lessons from Lent by R. Scott Rodin Ph.D.

By R. Scott Rodin Ph.D. This blog post falls one week before an important day in the Christian church calendar, Ash Wednesday. This day marks the beginning of a forty day preparation time leading up to holy week and the culminating celebration of Easter Sunday. This time of preparation is referred to as Lent and…

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Mentoring: God's Pattern for Developing Leaders

“Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.” I Corinthians 11:1 Mentoring is not a specific term that appears in Scripture, but the concept is found throughout the old and new testaments. The pattern of wise and trusted counselors or teachers investing in the lives of others was a common practice for transferring wisdom…

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21 Reasons to Attend the 2015 Intensive Training Institute

Tuesday, April 14, the first day of The Outcomes Conference: CLA Dallas 2015, leaders will begin early with devotions led by Jonathan Evans, Chaplain for the Dallas Cowboys. Next up is the first general session of the conference. Keynote speaker, David Kinnaman, the president and strategic leader of The Barna Group, will challenge leaders with…

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The Many Faces of a Steward Leader by Kent R. Wilson, Ph.D.

  By Kent R. Wilson, Ph.D. Steward leaders are not just confined to the nonprofit sector. It can be safely said that virtually 99.9% of people who work in education, civil service, politics, and the military are stewards of resources they do not own. Therefore, there are many faces to steward leaders. Here are just…

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A New Paradigm: An Interview with Roland C. Warren

CLA president and CEO Tami Heim recently interviewed Care Net President and CEO Roland C. Warren. CLA member organization Care Net is a Christ-centered ministry that promotes a culture of life within society in order to serve people facing unplanned pregnancies and related sexual issues. Prior to his tenure at Care Net, Warren served as…

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Professional Development for the Individual by Bill Blacquiere

By Bill Blacquiere Learn. Change. Grow. These are the three pillars of a commitment to ongoing, healthy corporate development. As leaders, however, it is not enough for us to focus on these three development aspects solely at the corporate level. It is crucial as well to commit to individual development within our organizations—to go beyond…

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Stewardship of Your Words by Mark L. Vincent

By Mark L. Vincent A sermon I heard recently focused on the five Hebrew words that Jonah preached to Nineveh: Forty-Days-More-Nineveh-Will be Destroyed. It takes more words in English, as Jonah’s Hebrew requires just one word to indicate verb tense. The preacher pointed out that these harsh yet necessary words were not great words to hear,…

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