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Rest Awhile By Ed McDowell

A Sacred Invitation to Rest Then Jesus said, “Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.” He said this because there were so many people coming and going that Jesus and his apostles didn’t even have time to eat. Mark 6:31 NLT Sometimes life becomes so full for leaders that there…

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Leaving a Legacy of Christian Generosity by Dr. Gary G. Hoag

Lessons in Modeling Christian Generosity A dear friend, John Stanley, asked me about my family while we were fly fishing a few years back, and I shared what my grandparents and parents had done to leave a legacy of Christian generosity. He inspired me to write about it. Fly fishing with him again recently inspired…

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Join the Race to Innovate Online By Amy Sewell

Maximize Your Online Fundraising Potential Existing in the online space for a nonprofit can sometimes feel like you’re attempting to walk across a river using pool floaties as stepping stones. Nothing is stable, and you’re likely to fall. The entrance of new social networks, payment platforms, privacy regulations, and browser changes can be challenging. But…

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Stewards of Succession Planning By Dr. Al Hearne II

The Steward Leader and Succession Planning Working with people at any level constantly challenges any leader; it involves thoughts, feelings, emotions, and expectations. Leaders strive for clear communication, yet how often do misunderstandings take place? Working with people and developing them for duties and responsibilities at a higher level is even more messy. I believe…

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Countdown to the Global Digital Experience 2023

Outcomes Conference Global Digital Experience is Coming Soon! In less than 30 days, Christian Leadership Alliance will launch the Fourth Annual Outcomes Conference Global Digital Experience. The event will be available to all attendees from September 1 – October 31, 2023—the Alliance theme for 2023, ENTRUSTED, continues with this Fall event. Responding to what God made possible…

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Meditate on These Things By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

My Case for Finding Time to Meditate As a steward, my choice to pause and meditate allows me to continually calibrate my heart and mind to the Master’s voice. The spiritual practices of prayer, contemplation, and reflection strengthen the bond of trust between me and God, my owner. Because when I pause and meditate on…

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Be Willing to Listen By Ed McDowell

Will you listen to what He has to say? “But to you who are willing to listen, I say, love your enemies! Do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who hurt you.“ Luke 6:27-28 NLT From beginning to end, Luke chapter 6 is filled with Jesus showing…

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Faithful in All Things By R. Scott Rodin

Becoming Faithful Steward Leaders We are called first to be faithful stewards in every area of our lives. As we walk that journey and are called to leadership positions, our steward’s worldview will carry over and impact every aspect of our leadership role. In this blog, I want to focus on how we, as steward…

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Servant Leadership in the Workplace By Akosua Frempong, Ph.D.

Jesus Christ, Our Chief Example of Servant Leadership As Christian leaders in our various workplaces, we must exhibit servant leadership. Servant leadership is a leadership style or approach that prioritizes the other. The critical element in servant leadership is service. It’s about the leader serving those with whom he works (his “subordinates”). As Robert Greenleaf,…

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Communication Starts with Balance By Jonathan Helder

Successful Communications Always Begins with the Right Balance We’ve all heard these horror stories or experienced them ourselves. Nonprofits sending relentless email solicitations. Memorial gifts given online transition to an onslaught of mailers. The only mail you receive from your favorite nonprofit is solicitations. None of us want to be that nonprofit. While there is undoubtedly a…

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