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Will They Follow You? By Wayne Hastings

The More I Lose Myself, The More They Follow You have a team of people, and you want them to pick up on the vision and follow you to implement God’s calling for us. As passionate, goal-oriented leaders, we all have a vision for our organization, department, and ourselves. But will others follow? Moses was…

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How to Make Diversity and Inclusion Progress By Christine Talbot

5 Steps for Successful Diversity and Inclusion Outcomes Over the last two years, the United States has experienced a heightened level of pain, violence, public protest, division, and even fear about racial issues and injustices. This has brought significant focus on the diversity and inclusion work in organizations with employees having new expectations of their…

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Prayer for Steward Leaders and Boards By R. Scott Rodin

An Exercise of Prayer for Steward Leaders and Steward Boards I grew up in a highly liturgical church, and I still love the planned intentionality of moving through prayer, reading, and response rituals. I love liturgy. We wrote a liturgy to support our Steward Declaration, and I hope you will consider using it as part…

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The Heart of a Leader By Cynthia Berry

The Heart of a Leader Following Jesus It is profound to surmise the current condition of the heart. If the heart, according to Matthew 15:18-20 emphasizes that good and evil are stored there, then in likeness to the physical chambers of the heart, spiritual chambers such as, love, hate; joy, sorrow; generosity and greed also…

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Macular Degeneration in Fundraising By Ron Frey

What does Macular Degeneration have to do with Fundraising? My grandmother eventually lost her sight to macular degeneration. In preparation, we took steps to help her adjust to the reality that she would eventually go blind. We helped her map out her apartment and burned into her memory the number of steps from her bed…

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The Board and Succession Planning By Dr. David L. McKenna

The Governing Board Must Lead the Way in Succession Planning! The governing board of a Christian organization has the lead role in the drama of succession planning. On center stage at the beginning of transition, the board has primary responsibility for the continuity of mission through the formal authority entrusted to it. Tacit in this…

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The Boastful Giver By Ron Haas

You Must Beware of the Boastful Giver Occasionally, you meet a generous giver who checks all your qualifying boxes. They have a link to your organization. They are interested in your projects. They seem to have the ability and willingness to give. They even talk about how much they love your ministry—yet they never give.…

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Planning with God’s Purpose and Perspective By Dr. Zenet Maramara

Planning and Setting Goals God’s Way We start a new year by planning and setting goals that we want to accomplish. Then, we create metrics that tell us whether we achieved those goals. Unfortunately, it has not been easy to plan in the last couple of years, much less predict and evaluate results because the…

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Recapturing Trust in Uncertain Times By Wayne Hastings

Uncertain Times Call for Greater Trust Let’s face it; we live in uncertain times. We often don’t know what will happen next. As good as we create plans and strategies, pandemics, new government mandates, and cultural changes (desire to work from home instead of an office; deciding to quit working) can blow them up in…

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Thrivent: Christian Leadership Alliance Member Spotlight

Christian Leadership Alliance Founder’s Council Member: Thrivent Today, Christian Leadership Alliance’s member spotlight is shining bright on Thrivent. We are grateful for their belief in community, financial integrity and enabling others to thrive with purpose. Beliefs Thrivent believes money is a tool, not a goal. Driven by a higher purpose at our core, they are…

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