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Helping People By Dr. Gary Hoag

Helping People to Live Generously We can’t guide others to a place we ourselves have not been, so helping people develop a biblical mindset that shapes their generosity starts with you and me. Consider three words of wisdom that we’ve learned as a family for helping people. Hear and Do The Bible tells us repeatedly…

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Integrating Faith and Work By Dr. Amy L. Sherman

What does it mean to integrate our faith and work? First, we need to focus on the kind of employees we ought to be: ethical workers, kind workers, hard workers, excellent workers, Gospel-sharing workers. This is the most common answer usually given to this question, and it rightly focuses us on personal character. Each day…

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Millennials or Boomers? By Heather M. Day

We’re chasing Millennials…while Boomers need our attention! Who really does need the most attention, millennials or boomers? My birth year falls right on the cusp of two generations, and like any good marketeer, I use the published discrepancies to my advantage.  If I’m trying to impress someone younger and cooler than me, I’ll claim membership…

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Simple Living By Mark L. Vincent

Simple Living Executive Director – CEO Style Simple living can be a significant challenge for a leader. Whether you are a Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director or even interim CEO, you are responsible for the whole of the organization. Nobody else shares the responsibility for the complexity of the whole at the level you do,…

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Philanthropy by the Generation by Kent Vanderwood

What’s different between the generations when it comes to Philanthropy? When it comes to philanthropy, here are some important questions to consider: Do different generations think differently when it comes to giving? Does the same thing that motivates a boomer, motivate a millennial? How do we adjust our approach? I attended an Association of Fundraising…

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3 Ways to Harness the Power of People By Dr. Scott Rodin

Three Ways Steward Leaders Harness the Power of People Steward leaders help their people harness the energy and power that flows from a greater sense of balance and freedom.  They not only help create the culture in which it can thrive, but they provide the catalyst for its growth.  Steward leaders are prepared to lead…

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Discover the Father’s Perspective

Discover Father’s Perspective on Labor On this Labor Day Monday, we turn to God’s Word where you can discover perspective on labor. We pray you will take time to review these scriptures and be reminded of how the work you do brings honor and blessing. These verses are from the New International Version translation: Give…

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Prayers for Fundraising By Ron Frey

Learn to Pray Great Fundraising Prayers What is the role of prayer in fundraising? Over the course of my career, I’ve danced around the issue. While I respect ministries that employ the philosophy of “all prayer and no ask,” I’ve always believed that asking givers to respond to ministry opportunities and meet a need is…

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Top 3 Board Mistakes by Dan Busby

How to Avoid 3 Common Board Mistakes You may have been on a board where one or more of these three mistakes were made. Avoiding these mistakes will improve the effectiveness of your board. MISTAKE 1: UNDERESTIMATING THE IMPORTANCE OF THE BOARD CHAIR. Is the board chair just another board position — an equal among…

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Truth About Inconvenience By Alex McElroy

The truth about encountering inconvenience. Inconvenience is something that parents know well. For example, when my oldest became ill at night I was awakened. I awoke to the horrors of a stomach virus. Vomit. Everywhere. In her bed, in her hair, and in her clothes. (I still have nightmares about the putrid smell). In an…

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