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Heart Health By Mark L. Vincent

Steward Leader Heart Health I am a big fan of the Schumpeter column in The Economist. Several years back, the 2 August 2014 column, Decluttering the Company hit a nerve for me….hard. Two brief quotes from the article made the point, quoting Peter Drucker, “Much of what we call management consists of making it difficult…

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Owning Your Work By Melinda Delahoyde

Do I Own My Work? “He worketh”.  Those were the words that greeted me in my devotion this morning.  The author goes on to say, “He shall perform the cause which I have in hand…my own particular work today… This is what I may ask Him to do for me and rest assured that He…

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Enough Time By R. Scott Rodin

The Tyranny of Time Remember the last time you faced a day with back-to-back meetings, and then someone cancelled? It was as if you were given a gift of an hour, a precious 60 minute oasis in the middle of the fast moving stream of life. Perhaps you paused to consider the things you could…

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Transformational Leadership By Monty McNair and Kirk Mallette

The Four Basic Components of Transformational Leadership While Paul wrote of spiritual transformation 2,000 years ago, the conception of Transformational Leadership Theory is fairly new. James MacGregor Burns first brought the concept of transformational leadership to prominence in his book Leadership (Harper Torchbooks, 1978). Originally this was in the context of his research into political…

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Why Images Matter By Autumn Lunsford

 Learn why compelling images matter in your ministry communication. The impact that compelling images have on us is undeniable. We are innately visual creatures, and God has blessed us with intricate beauty all around us. The plethora of messages we receive on a daily basis—both positive and negative—are increasingly visual because research tells us that…

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Contact Center Turnover By Sarah Hall

Techniques for Contact Centers to Reduce High Turnovers Staff turnover is one of the biggest problems that contact centers face today. It has a huge impact on the costs and the quality of service. According to the 2016 US Contact Center Decision Makers’ Guide from – the Average annual turnover rate for a customer service representative (CSR) was…

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Communication Concepts By Priscilla J. DuBose

The Importance of Communication Concepts in a Leader-Follow Relationship Communication concepts in the leader-follower relationship are important because they provide a clear presentation of some helpful techniques about how individuals can evaluate their own communication abilities. Most importantly, one can improve his or her own communication skills by adhering to developing and earning trust by…

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The Art of Scenario Planning By Dr. David Alexander

Learn to Rehearse the Future with Scenario Planning The board is responsible for the mission, vision and over-arching plans of your organization. Those elected to the board answer a call to be stewards of the ministry’s purpose, health and effectiveness. Board members must seek the Lord’s guidance in all they do, but they must remember,…

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Heart and Mind By Zenet Maranara

The Heart and Mind of the Steward Leader The primary consideration in discussing the heart and mind of the steward leader focuses on the person of the steward leader. It starts with the “being” of the person. Scott Rodin refers to it as the “who question” and asks “who am I and whose am I?”…

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Employment Engagement By Debra Kellar

Shouldn’t employee engagement come naturally in Christian Organizations? As Christian organizations, we often assume that our mission is so clear and compelling that employee engagement will be high. We do indeed often have an advantage in attracting employees because they genuinely feel called and resonate deeply with our missions. However, many of us have seen…

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