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My Top Ten Books of 2024 By Alec Hill

Books Worthy of Recommendation Reading books is vital for leaders. It provides wisdom, sharpens judgment, bolsters public speaking, and connects us with others.  “Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.” ~ Harry Truman Here is my top 10 best book list for 2024. I encourage you to keep on reading! (1) Veritas:…

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Risk Management By Alec Hill

Why Do We Define Risk So Narrowly? The situation was messy and risky. A supervisor was fired for bullying members of his team. The VP overseeing the dismissal wanted to disclose his reasons for select audiences, including some staff and local churches. But, fearing a defamation lawsuit, our in-house lawyer was dead set against doing…

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Alice’s Gift – A Donor Story By Alect Hill

Alice and My Donor Visit Unlike Any Other As I entered the room, Alice was sitting in a wheelchair. She had warned me that ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) had sapped much of her strength since I had last seen her 18 months before.  But it was still a shock to see such a vibrant person…

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The Second Shove Brings Trouble By Alec Hill

When Overreating Gets Us In Trouble I knew trouble growing up. As a youngster, I played lots of basketball. On occasion, I found myself being covered by a player who pushed, elbowed, and shoved me around. It would take a while before my frustration boiled over, and I retaliated.    And guess who got called…

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Moving Sideways Like a Crab By Alec Hill

The Virtue of Sideways Career Moves Most of us only think about our careers vertically, not sideways. We either move upward (promotion) or downward (demotion). But there’s another, often overlooked, route. This involves making crablike horizontal moves to take new positions at roughly the same level, title, and pay grade. Lateral moves may occur either…

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Maureen Flavin – The Woman Who Saved D-Day By Alec Hill

Doing a Routine Job Well, Maureen Flavin Changed History I don’t often read obituaries, but the following caption caught my eye: “She (Maureen Flavin) helped save General Eisenhower’s invasion from potential disaster.” When Irishwoman Maureen Flavin passed away at the ripe old age of 100 last month, she was remembered for actions taken on her 21st birthday –…

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Push and Pull of Career Transitions By Alec Hill

Insights from Career Transitions Early in my career, I worked for a refugee resettlement agency. I learned about “push” and “pull” factors impacting migration patterns in that role.  Political, economic, or religious forces push people out of a country – think South Sudan. And they are pulled into another country either by its welcome –…

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My Top 10 Books of the Year By Alec Hill

Books That Will Inspire the Leader in You Years ago, I committed to reading books rather than working on airplanes. Why? Because reading is vital for leaders. It provides wisdom, sharpens judgment, bolsters public speaking, and connects us with others.  “Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.” ~ Harry Truman With that…

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Reversible Decisions By Alec Hill

One-Way vs. Two-Way Door Decisions When the chair of my church’s board asked: “Is this a one-way or a two-way door decision?” my ears perked up. Asking him to explain the concept, he replied that his employer – Amazon – always uses this language. He defined the terms as follows: Why is this distinction important?…

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Reputation as Idol by Alec Hill

The Dangers of Focusing on Reputation Abraham Lincoln once wrote: “Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.” Lincoln is saying two things. First, Character matters, and we should diligently seek to cultivate it. Second, reputation is derivative and…

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