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God-First Momentum By Dr. John C. Reynolds

God-First Momentum: Five principles from the Book of Acts By Dr. John C. Reynolds ~ In the world of science, momentum is generally described as the “force or speed of movement, or the impetus gained by a moving object.” Scholars calculate momentum as the product of mass and velocity or simply the impact of size…

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Perspective of Leadership By John C. Reynolds

By Dr. John C. Reynolds ~ Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) celebrates its 40th anniversary at the Outcomes Conference and the theme for this year is “perspectives.” What sets us apart as “Christian” leaders is that our perspective of leadership, or starting point of view, originates from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. As Christians, we…

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3 Major Roadblocks to Fundraising as Ministry

By Rebekah Basinger There is much to be gained from the fundraiser’s point of view in approaching our work as a calling. So what’s holding us back? As I’ve talked with people about the challenges of pursuing fundraising as a ministry, the following are the three major roadblocks to fundraising as ministry that have shown…

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4 Ways to Measure Authenticity

By John C. Reynolds, Ph.D. King David of Israel was not perfect, but he was, I believe, authentic. We, in our roles as leaders today, are not perfect, but I know we each want to be authentic. The challenge of course is that not one of us can declare ourselves to be authentic; this is…

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