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The Right Compensation By Bruce Dingman

The Right Compensation for Hiring the Best Talent Having a well thought through compensation plan can make a tremendous difference in staff morale, how employees think leadership values them, if they are being treated fairly, and employee engagement.  Not only is compensation important in employee retention, it also has a big effect on attracting good…

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Recruiting Board Members By Bruce Dingman

Recruiting Board Members: Not Really that Hard The Predicament & The Solution It’s the annual board meeting when either due to someone retiring from the board or term-limiting off that the board members are scratching their heads for they have no one in mind to replace the existing board member.  There are several things to…

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It’s Not Begging! By Bruce Dingman

It’s not begging. It’s time to change your perspective. For many, even pastors or presidents of Christian organizations, doing “the ask” is really tough if they think of it as begging. But that’s not the way God would have us view it. Even if one is shy, changing one’s perspective on the subject can make…

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Top 10 Questions By Dingman and Kidd

TOP 10 QUESTIONS EMPLOYERS WISH THEY HAD ASKED By Bruce Dingman and Rich Kidd~ Everyone has regrets, but after a bad hire, those “should have asked” questions pile up quickly! While typically an employer thinks ahead of time what questions they want to ask someone in the interview process for a leadership role, hindsight can…

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An Ethical Recruiter By Dingman and Kidd

An Ethical Recruiter: Ethics and the Executive Search Process By Bruce Dingman and Rich Kidd~ Almost every organization wants to operate with high ethics, be professional and treat people well. But many people are unfamiliar with the executive search process and are unclear what they should do and what their search consultant should do. To…

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