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What Kind of Leader Am I? By Eddie Baugher

Choosing Between Being a Serving or a Self-Serving Leader As we consider the question, “Am I a serving leader or a self-serving leader?” We need to do so with honesty through God’s eyes (as He sees us).  I believe this is difficult but not impossible to do.  Early Narratives From a very young age we…

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Leader as the Coach By Rich Stearns

  Will you follow the Leader and coach like Jesus did! The success of any organization will depend in large part on whether the leader has chosen the right people.  A leader knows how to get the right people into for the right jobs, just like a coach forming a team.  Once the right people…

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Thriving In Each Season of Life By Dr. Jerry White

Practical Steps for Thriving in Life and Leadership Throughout my life I have seen myself as one who simply kept working hard at whatever God put before me. Did I thrive? Did The Navigators thrive under my leadership? Yes. But at the time, it was not always apparent. There were times of struggle and challenge.…

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Finding Jesus By R. Scott Rodin

Finding Jesus in Unexpected Places Imagine the scene with Jesus depicted for us in John 21. Six men are out fishing all night on the sea of Galilee. This is their domain, where they made their living for so many years before a dramatic event three years earlier pulled them away and set them on…

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Does Your Board Trust You? By Henry Doorn

Leaders Must Work to Establish Board Trust and Credibility Building board trust is essential. The relationship between a CEO and board is significant to an organization and it cannot be over emphasized how important it is to establish trust and credibility. Cultivate Relationship As a leader of an organization, it is imperative that you establish…

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Back to School for a Leader Like YOU!

Back To School: Outcomes Academy Fall 2020 For leaders who are learners, back to school still comes, but it often looks a little different! Christian Leadership Alliance presents the Outcomes Academy on line. This 10-week dynamic experience is broken down into five sessions. Attendees find in each session a Biblical inspiration, critical reading, interactive presentations,…

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The Stewardship of Power By Howard Rich

The Stewardship of Power and Position Have you ever known someone who let power or position go to his or her head? I’ll bet it was hard for you to follow or respect that leader.  Power is an essential force in human relations that can be used for good or evil, but to be a…

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Your Personal Leadership Development Roadmap

2020 is the Year for Your Personal Leadership Development As the new year approaches, it’s a perfect time for you to consider an investment in your personal leadership development. There is nothing like an intentional plan to strengthen the best that God has created in you. If you are serious about transforming your leadership in…

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Equip Your Employees By Roby Walker

Equip Your Employees by Investing in Them The dictionary defines the word “equip” as “to make ready… to furnish for service or action by appropriate provisioning.” Equipping is the what. But how you equip varies by each individual and can be overwhelming to think about. Generational Differences And perhaps the best starting point is to…

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Worry Less and Live More By Matt Fore

3 Ways to Worry Less and Live More Have you ever noticed how the phrase “Don’t worry about it,” gets thrown around like a legitimate solution to serious dilemmas? Maybe that’s just a way to change the subject and escape. “Why the long face Jim?” his friend Larry asked one day as they passed in…

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