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Disciple-Making Leaders by Alex McElroy

Disciple-Making and Learning to Follow the Leader What role does disciple-making play in leadership? Kevin DeYoung said, “The one indispensable requirement for producing godly, mature Christians is godly, mature Christians.” Regardless of anyone’s religious views, the logic here is unquestionable. Discipleship is a necessary component for success in any organization or profession. A disciple is…

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Obedience Leads to Kingdom Outcomes By Patti Garibay

Obedience Always Leads a Christ-follower to Kingdom Outcomes Today’s post on how obedience leads to Kingdom outcomes is by Patti Garibay, the Founder and Executive Director of  American Heritage Girls. With over 30 years of youth ministry experience, Patti is known as an advocate for girls and for the importance of their understanding of their…

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The Three-fold Process By Mark L. Vincent

The three-fold process of becoming a steward leader. By  Mark L. Vincent ~ Today, I  am revisiting the three-fold process of becoming a steward leader that Scott Rodin identifies in his book The Steward Leader.  1. Discovery Coming to a new and deepened understanding about the nature and will of God for a person. The Steward…

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Letters to Seven Churches by Dr. Gary Hoag

Letters to Seven Churches about Money By Dr. Gary Hoag ~ In Revelation 2-3 we find “the letters to the seven churches.” Some call them “love letters” as they come from Christ to His bride, the church, in the cities of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. This article highlights seven more New…

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Leveraging Natural Assets By David Raley

One Highly Effective Habit of a Chief Development Officer  – Leveraging Natural Assets By Dave Raley ~ The best development leaders in the world recognize that every organization has what I call “natural assets.” Natural assets are things that are unique to that organization, and with a bit of creative thinking, they can be leveraged…

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Board Trust By Mark Luckey

Trust is fundamental to strengthening board relationships. By Mark Luckey ~ I have found over the years that of all the various ingredients for a positive relationship between CEO and board, the most important is trust. With it, almost any obstacle can be overcome. Without it, even the best of relationships will soon erode. Here…

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Winter Seasons and Leadership By W. Scott Brown

Are you in a winter season? Look to the harvest that is to come. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. ~ Gal. 6:9 By W. Scott Brown ~ My wife Kristin and I are members of a large…

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God is Holy By Howard Rich

What is reminding you each day that God is holy? By Howard Rich ~ My family’s cat wakes me up just before sunrise wanting me to feed her and then take her outside on our back porch. After spending a few minutes out on the porch, I usher her back inside so I can go…

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Stewarding Health Care By Donna Lively

Learn three strategies for stewarding health care dollars. By Donna Lively ~ In my role as director of insurance plans for GuideStone Financial Resources.  I work with many pastors and ministry leaders who are concerned about their ability to maintain high-quality employee health coverage. These individuals are battling the double whammy of rapidly rising health care…

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Decision Making as a Steward By Howard Rich

Define your leadership philosophy and it will guide your decision making as a steward.  By Howard Rich ~ While I attempt to lead as a steward within the organization God has placed me, I sometimes find it difficult to practice stewardship in my actions. To combat this, I began looking for ways to intentionally interact…

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