Posts Tagged ‘Chris Jorgensen’
Creating Space for Preparation By Chris Jorgensen
The Intentional Creation of Space for Preparation Creating space to plan and prepare is among the most essential actions every leader must pursue. Many of us have likely heard about the four quadrants first contemplated by Dwight D. Eisenhower and formalized by Stephen Covey. We know we should try to move from Quadrant 1 to…
Read MoreWisdom and Discernment By Chris Jorgenson
How To Unlock Wisdom and Discernment in Leadership Seeking wisdom and discernment were activities shared by the great men of God. The story of Nehemiah is anchored in Nehemiah 1:4-11, during his time of fasting, mourning, and prayer. Nehemiah’s prayer sets the stage for how Nehemiah will continually seek wisdom and discernment throughout the entire…
Read MoreCourageous Leadership By Chris Jorgensen
What Does Courage Have to Do with It? So much of leadership hinges upon courage. Successful leaders routinely display it; struggling leaders find courage challenging to muster, and some, once successful leaders, fail because they succumb to pressure and choose not to exhibit courage. Nehemiah 2 captures a tremendous example of leadership courage when Nehemiah…
Read MorePassion and Calling By Chris Jorgensen
The Transformational Power of Passion and Calling Nehemiah’s journey from cupbearer to transformative leader for the Israelites in Jerusalem highlights the incredible power of passion and calling in leadership. Nehemiah’s story begins with a heart-wrenching update from his brother Hanani about the dilapidated state of Jerusalem. The walls were in ruins, leaving the people vulnerable…
Read MoreThe Nehemiah Blueprint By Chris Jorgensen
The Nehemiah Blueprint for Building Lasting Impact In January 2022, I spent my morning studying Nehemiah’s book. As I immersed myself in Nehemiah’s story, I realized that his leadership example provides a tremendous roadmap. If we think back to early 2022, faith-based organization leaders faced tremendous challenges. Many leaders were stretched thin, on the brink…
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