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The Fundable Offer By Robert Johnson

A Guide for Creating the Fundable Offer Donors are motivated by a desire to make a meaningful impact on causes that resonate with their values and beliefs and value a fundable offer. Understanding what connects them and finding ways to present it to your donors is critical to building and maintaining a successful direct-response fundraising…

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The Image-Bearer By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Being an Image-Bearer and Steward Being a reflection of God changes how we respond in relationships – in love, life, and loss. Being God’s image-bearer transforms how we steward power and leadership. I work as a leader in a ministry focused on the struggles of relationships and the broken strategies that impact us because of…

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God is Already Up in My Business By Dr. Rob McKenna

Finding Faith in God in Our Work So many leaders I work with feel dissatisfied with their faith, especially regarding how their faith in God is enacted in their work. They aren’t dissatisfied with God but with their ability to bring their beliefs’ full impact to their work and leadership. They feel it is their…

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Biblical Leadership Lessons from 1 Peter By Ed Fry

1 Peter Offers A Powerful Leadership Blueprint In the journey of leadership, especially within the realms of faith and service, the guidance of scripture provides a blueprint for conduct and character. Among the many passages offering wisdom, 1 Peter 5:2-3 stands out as a seminal text, urging leaders to embody the shepherd’s heart in their…

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Legacy By Dr. Brian S. Simmons

The Legacy of a Steward Leader What does Scripture say about the legacy of a steward leader? “How joyful are those who fear the Lord and delight in obeying His commands.  Their children will be successful everywhere.  An entire generation of godly people will be blessed.  They, themselves, will be wealthy, and their good deeds…

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Time for Emerging Leaders to Shine Bright By ZÁNDRA BISHOP

Emerging Leaders – Capture Attention and Accelerate Your Journey! For emerging leaders, standing out is like navigating a bustling marketplace, where a blend of strategic thinking, authenticity, and savvy communication is essential.  If you’re on this path, you know that gaining the recognition of peers and stakeholders is pivotal. But how can you ensure your…

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Wisdom and Discernment By Chris Jorgenson

How To Unlock Wisdom and Discernment in Leadership Seeking wisdom and discernment were activities shared by the great men of God. The story of Nehemiah is anchored in Nehemiah 1:4-11, during his time of fasting, mourning, and prayer. Nehemiah’s prayer sets the stage for how Nehemiah will continually seek wisdom and discernment throughout the entire…

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Humility and the Steward Leader By Dr. Marybeth Leavell

“Humility is simply the proper assessment of who we are in relationship to God.” ~ Charles Spurgeon A favorite saying of mine is, “One of the leadership traits that I am most proud of is my humility!” Even though this is laughable, it may seem like an unlikely trait for leaders in our culture, who…

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The Gift of Gratitude By Dr. Bob Snyder

Recovering Childlike Gratitude Where has my thankfulness for the simple gifts of life gone? Where is my childlike gratitude? As I have “matured,” a mindset of entitlement has emerged, diminishing my appreciation. Am I capable of a childlike thankful heart anymore? When we were in South Africa, my wife visited an orphanage. Her descriptions and…

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Stewarding Our Relationship with Creation By Dr. Zenet Maramara

Stewards Care for God’s Creation Among the four fundamental relationships that stewards must nurture—our relationships with God, ourselves, others, and creation—our relationship with creation is often neglected. As image-bearers of God, we are entrusted with the privilege and responsibility of caring for His creation. Genesis 1:26-28 commands us to multiply and sustain the earth’s resources,…

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