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The Power of Examination By Zándra Bishop

Take the Time to Complete a Thoughtful Examination A comprehensive examination of the growth and development of people and the workplace can be beneficial for all parties involved. The evolution of the modern workforce and workplace demands a lot from individuals and businesses. It is important to understand the purpose of evolution and how it…

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The Power of Remembering By R. Scott Rodin

Remembering What Mattered Most As the year draws to an end, we have a once-a-year opportunity to look back over the previous 12 months and remember, relive, (and possibly try to forget) the events that shaped our journey that was 2022. We do this in different ways. Perhaps some of us will go to our…

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It’s Possible to See Clearly Now By Dr. Bob Snyder

What are you using to see life more clearly? There are many different ways we can begin to see things in life, like Christmas, more clearly. In elementary school, my teacher scraped the surface of a table onto a slide and placed the slide under the microscope. Creatures and debris invisible to my eye were…

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A Year-End Personal Evaluation By Dr. Brian S. Simmons

Learn How to Effectively Complete a Personal Evaluation Now is the best time of the year for personal evaluation. This past year was a BIG one for our family.  We have a new normal!  Seven of our 12 grandchildren live here in Lexington, SC near us!  And, number 13 is on the way!! My wife,…

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Values and Investments By Richard Todd and Sarah Newman

Why Evaluate the Values of Your Investment Providers? Organizations with a strong focus on environmental concerns have not been shy about requiring that the money managers and vendors they work with hold values congruent with theirs. We believe religious organizations should likewise evaluate whether their advisors and managers are in alignment with their values and…

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The Accidental Mentor By Alec Hill

Five Lessons Learned by Becoming a Mentor The path to becoming a mentor can be accidental. In 2016, I faced a challenging situation. Following a bone marrow transplant, my long-term disability benefits were running out. Given my illness, I still needed six more months of living in quasi-isolation and could not return to the job…

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A SERMON TO PREPARE FOR COMING AND MOVING ON It surprises many people who know me now that I preached itinerantly for thirty years — often a couple of original sermons each week. Preparing and sharing with groups, small and large, became like breathing.  Inhale:   Exhale: Respiration like this was and is holy work. ADVENT…

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New Research Shows Americans Remain Generous By Derric Bakker

Don’t Panic – Americans Remain Generous! Americans have seen brighter days. The very mention of the word, RECESSION, in nonprofit circles is enough to make fundraisers run for the hills. Soaring inflation, a wobbly stock market, and — yes — signs of a recession. But now is not the time to panic. I’m happy to…

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Turn Dependency into Discipleship By Dr. Gary G. Hoag

This post offers a biblical solution to the global problem. Christians and ministries face it and even unknowingly foster it through their international giving. It’s called dependency. To gain biblical insight for addressing it, let us look at the interaction between Jesus and the disciples in the account of the feeding of the five thousand…

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Dr. Stephen Douglass – We Celebrate a Life Well Lived

We Celebrate Heaven’s Gain Today, believers around the world will gather to celebrate the life of Dr. Stephen Douglass, president emeritus of Cru/Campus Crusade for Christ. Steve loved and faithfully served this ministry with his beloved wife, Judy, for over five decades. While many will gather at the Sand Lake Campus of Discovery Church in…

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