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Strategic Alignment By Tom Okarma

The Significance of Strategic Alignment What does strategic alignment have to do with impact and outcomes? If you stop to think about it, leaders can significantly increase the impact of their nonprofit agencies without spending an extra dime. Say what? Let’s say your agency has: Experienced leadership-CHECK A clear and compelling strategic plan-CHECK The respect and support…

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Your Gift to the Next Generation By Andrea Buczynski

What’s your gift to the next generation of leaders? Every leader has something to offer the next generation. Two different colleagues come to mind, neither of who would say they develop others. The Vision Caster One, a superior vision caster and networker, put his thoughts together on casting vision in a short video. He then…

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Shalom Leadership By Zenet Maramara

A Steward Leader Pursues Shalom Leadership The steward leader approach is closest to shalom leadership. Bakke Graduate University describes shalom leadership where the leader pursues reconciling relationships between people, people and God, people and their environment, and people and themselves. The leader works toward the well-being, abundance, and wholeness of the community as well as…

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The Gift of Freedom

Praise God for the Gift of Freedom On this July 4th holiday, Americans celebrate the land of the free. As Christ-centered Americans we also recognize and celebrate the eternal freedom that is only found in the saving grace of Jesus Christ.  For both we give thanks! And you will know the truth, and the truth…

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The Battle for Integrity By Dan Busby

  Recognize When the Battle for Integrity Begins While far from perfect, King David is one of the first ones we think of when the discussion turns to integrity. Asaph, the royal court composer, said David shepherded them with “the integrity of his heart and guided them by the skillfulness of his hands” (Psalm 78:72,…

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I am a servant By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

“I am a servant of the Lord,” an Invitation to Transformation  “I am a servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” Mary’s words capture the longing of a steward’s heart – an invitation to transformation. In embracing an uncertain path, Mary embarks on the most important work of a…

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Owning Your Work By Melinda Delahoyde

Do I Own My Work? “He worketh”.  Those were the words that greeted me in my devotion this morning.  The author goes on to say, “He shall perform the cause which I have in hand…my own particular work today… This is what I may ask Him to do for me and rest assured that He…

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Enough Time By R. Scott Rodin

The Tyranny of Time Remember the last time you faced a day with back-to-back meetings, and then someone cancelled? It was as if you were given a gift of an hour, a precious 60 minute oasis in the middle of the fast moving stream of life. Perhaps you paused to consider the things you could…

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Why Images Matter By Autumn Lunsford

 Learn why compelling images matter in your ministry communication. The impact that compelling images have on us is undeniable. We are innately visual creatures, and God has blessed us with intricate beauty all around us. The plethora of messages we receive on a daily basis—both positive and negative—are increasingly visual because research tells us that…

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Communication Concepts By Priscilla J. DuBose

The Importance of Communication Concepts in a Leader-Follow Relationship Communication concepts in the leader-follower relationship are important because they provide a clear presentation of some helpful techniques about how individuals can evaluate their own communication abilities. Most importantly, one can improve his or her own communication skills by adhering to developing and earning trust by…

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