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Engaging Volunteers By Ashley Hurley

 Engaging Volunteers: How we’re innovating to serve nonprofits By Ashley Hurley ~ I was working as a young professional in the oil and gas industry. I managed teams, strategized and implemented plans to achieve tough targets. I realized I wanted to use this expertise to assist the nonprofits. I kept asking questions and discovered that…

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High Calling By Israel Gaither

Embrace the High Calling! By Israel Gaither ~ I have never been more keenly aware of the enormous responsibility of those who serve in public and private leadership roles. God continues to teach me, through many years of privileged leadership service, both nationally and internationally. I remain a student and admit that every day of…

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5 Tips for Marriages in Ministry By Gary and Jenni Hoag

Five Important Tips for Marriages in Ministry By Gary and Jenni Hoag – This next summer we will celebrate 25 years of marriage while actively engaging in ministry. Over that timeframe our marriage has been filled with highs and lows, much like one of our favorite couples in the Scriptures, Priscilla and Aquila. Priscilla and…

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The Winning Combination By Dan Busby

The winning combination for fulfilling kingdom purposes is integrity and skillful hands. By Dan Busby ~ While far from perfect, King David is one of the first ones we think of when the discussion turns to integrity. Asaph, the royal court composer, said David shepherded them with “the integrity of his heart and guided them…

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The Owner's Will By Howard Rich

Do you understand the Owner’s will?  By Howard Rich ~ Have you ever used a little laser light to play with a cat? Cats will chase that little light all over a room, and even try to climb up a wall to catch the tiny spot created by the concentrated beam of light. As a…

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A Spectacle of Glory By Joni Eareckson Tada

A Spectacle of Glory: God’s Light Shining through Me Every Day By Joni Eareckson Tada – As leaders in the kingdom, you and I are on stage. Others are watching. We can do our part well, building up the entire audience. Or, when trials assault us, we can ad-lib by acting out our resentments, bringing…

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Preserving Culture By Jeff Jernigan

Preserving Culture in Faith-Based Organizations By Jeff Jernigan ~ A culture is only as good as its leadership. Programs, mission integration, and other methods of establishing and growing a distinct culture are important, but only if the desired traits for the organization are being demonstrated on a day-to-day basis by people in leadership roles. A…

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Empowered Momentum By Tami Heim

Holy Spirit Empowered Momentum By Tami Heim~ In the book of Acts, we see God at work in powerful ways. We feel the incredible momentum of the gospel of Jesus Christ advancing through the work of the Apostles. Despite adversity, the Holy Spirit empowered the momentum of the early church and Christ’s great work in…

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Top 10 Questions By Dingman and Kidd

TOP 10 QUESTIONS EMPLOYERS WISH THEY HAD ASKED By Bruce Dingman and Rich Kidd~ Everyone has regrets, but after a bad hire, those “should have asked” questions pile up quickly! While typically an employer thinks ahead of time what questions they want to ask someone in the interview process for a leadership role, hindsight can…

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Give No More By Wes Willmer

How do you know when it is time to give no more? By Wes Willmer ~ Imagine with me, one day you come home and start leafing through your mail – sorting the personal letters from the bills and the appeals- when your eye catches an envelope teaser that says, “Give No More.”  Intrigued, you…

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