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The Agile Nonprofit By Jim Finwick

Discover the five things the innovative and agile nonprofit does differently. By Jim Finwick~ Nonprofits often struggle with innovation. It might be they are spending too much time incrementally improving their core offering. But as that thinking infects the organization, they lose perspective and the ability to engage in activities that produce game-changing disruptive shifts.…

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Perspective, Curiosity, and A Learner Identity By Mark L. Vincent

Steward Leaders: Perspective, Curiosity and a Learner Identity By Mark L. Vincent ~ To lead an organization is to be regularly called on for perspective. To grow in that role does not just mean to learn, it involves embracing the identity of a Learner. Other identities tempt us: Telling (do this!) Doing (let me do…

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Protect Your Mind and Ministry By Dr. Gary G. Hoag

Protect Your Mind and Ministry from the Love of Money By Dr. Gary G. Hoag ~ Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5 “The love of money” must not surface…

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Giving Trends: An Interview with David Wills

Giving Trends: an Interview with David Wills, President of National Christian Foundation When it comes to giving, there are always two sides to the equation: how organizations are engaging givers, and how people are actually giving. As president of National Christian Foundation (NCF), David Wills has the advantage of seeing both from the ground level.…

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A Courageous Stand By Lee Ellis

How Faith-Filled Leaders Can Take a Courageous Stand in Today’s Culture By Lee Ellis~ Despite the seeming lack of honor and accountability that we see in our culture today, I still choose to believe that most people that I encounter have good character and will operate ethically. Would you agree? Interestingly though, when I was…

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An Urgent Plea By Scott Rodin

An Urgent Plea to Christian Leaders By Scott Rodin ~ The music is getting louder. In the third chapter of the book of Daniel, three men stood in the midst of a cultural collision. The society in which they lived and served was demanding allegiance to a set of values that directly conflicted with those…

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What You Pass On By Mark A. Trewitt

What you pass on – perspectives on generosity. By Mark A. Trewitt ~ While attending the National Christian Foundation’s Impact meeting in Dallas, I had the privilege and honor of meeting one of the speakers, Christian author Randy Alcorn. Randy is prolific in his writings, with over forty books to his credit, with a significant…

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What Are We Raising? By Steve Cummings

What are we raising, anyway? by Steve Cummings ~ I cringe every time I see or hear the word “fundraising” in Christian circles. That’s not what I do. Anyone can fund-raise, ask for money, get a donor to write a check or twist a few arms along the way to get a major gift, complete…

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Culture Change by Christine Talbot

Culture change is where new strategy starts. By Christine Talbot – Many versions of the following maxim all point to the same caution for leaders implementing strategy and change. “Culture eats strategy for lunch.” Do not underestimate the power of the existing culture — practices and values that underlie the organization and to which staff…

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God is Holy By Howard Rich

What is reminding you each day that God is holy? By Howard Rich ~ My family’s cat wakes me up just before sunrise wanting me to feed her and then take her outside on our back porch. After spending a few minutes out on the porch, I usher her back inside so I can go…

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