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Are You An Original? By W. Scott Brown

Are You An Original? By W. Scott Brown ~ Recently I read a compelling new book: Originals: How Nonconformists Move the World (Viking, 2016) by New York Times bestselling author Dr. Adam Grant of the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business. In it Grant says: “The Declaration of Independence promises Americans the unalienable rights…

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How You Measure Success By R. Scott Rodin

How you measure success in this life will dictate the way you live, the impact of your leadership and the legacy you will leave. By R. Scott Rodin PhD.. ~ Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions”…

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God Has a Plan by Rich Stearns

God has a plan for every leader. By Rich Stearns ~ God has gifted us as well as the people around us. Eric Liddell was an Olympic gold medalist portrayed in the Academy Award-winning movie Chariots of Fire. Before he entered into full-time missionary work, he participated in the Olympics. Some criticized him for this…

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Trust is Essential By Howard Rich

Trust is Essential to the Steward By Howard Rich – Trust is a scary thing, requiring me to become vulnerable and open to criticism, which may result in hurt feelings, pain, and frustration. However, I know my life is probably less vibrant and fulfilling because I failed to trust people God put in my path…

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Hearing God By Peggy Reynoso

A “rule of life” that facilitates hearing God is learning to live in constant awareness of God’s presence. By Peggy Reynoso ~ Jesus, Emmanuel — “God with us” — did not leave us to live our lives alone. He sent us his Spirit so that we might live our lives with him. Brother Lawrence called…

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Blessed Are the Peacemakers By David Cook

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” ~ Matthew 5:9 By David Cook ~ Jesus highlights this righteous call in his Sermon on the Mount in this scripture. The implication of this verse is powerful; by living in peace when the world around us is full of discord, we have…

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Financial Stewardship Tips by Gary G. Hoag

Ten Global Financial Stewardship Tips  By Dr. Gary G. Hoag – The Bible contains counsel for all cultures related to handling God’s money. During my recent trip to Hong Kong I learned that the biggest sin for Chinese people related to money for individuals as well as churches is hoarding resources on earth for personal…

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Supernatural Trust by Sara Nagelvoort Marlin

Supernatural Trust that Comes from Prayer is the Foundation for Steward Leadership By Sara Nagelvoort Marlin ~ My favorite Bible verse for as long as I can remember has been these very familiar words from the psalmist: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your…

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What is Christian Philanthropy? By Aimee Minnich

What is Christian Philanthropy and what makes it different? By Aimee Minnich ~ I’ve been having an ongoing dialogue with a friend of mine – we’ll call him Jon – about whether the world needs a christian impact investing movement. Is it just marketing gloss that we use to attract donors? This is an especially important…

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Ministry and Metrics by Gary G. Hoag

By Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D. Governing boards often require ministry leaders to use a variety of “metrics” to report results. These “metrics” often reflect the desired outcomes of ministry activity. Consider some examples of this practice: a Christian school might report enrollment figures, a medical ministry might tabulate the number of patients served, and a…

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