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Spiritual Warfare By Johnny Hunt

In a new Christian film, The Young Messiah  –  set to release on March 11, 2016,  the reality of spiritual warfare is brought to light. Remaining true to the character of Jesus revealed in the Bible, The Young Messiah is an inspirational story about the childhood of the Savior.  It follows the young Messiah as he and…

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The Owner Leader By R. Scott Rodin

By R. Scott Rodin ~ There are countless temptations that face us as leaders and three in particular create a perfect storm that can trap us into the bondage of the owner leader.  How do you react when people who are seeking to raise funds ask to have access to ‘your people’? Your answer is…

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Idolatry By Joshua M. Spaulding

By Joshua M. Spaulding ~ The sin of idolatry is one of the most subtle of all sins. While many consider idolatry to be exclusive to the worship of graven images, it goes far beyond that. Most of us in the ministry know this. We know that smart phones, careers, and even personal relationships can…

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Organizational Unity By Vicki Harris

By Vicki Harris~ Success  happens if you have organizational unity and everyone is working towards the same mission and goals. It is the true essence of Christianity and a dynamic example of how unity and humility will bring continued blessings. Creating and maintaining unity takes a great deal of effort. We are committed to do all…

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.Bible Finds Its Home By Andrew Hood

By Andrew Hood ~ With the introduction of top-level domains (TLD), .Bible finds its home. Following a lengthy process of application and review, American Bible Society was selected to take on the challenge of overseeing one of the new faith-themed TLDs: .Bible. The online landscape is once again poised for rapid change thanks to the…

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The Ethical Steward By Howard Rich

By Howard Rich ~ I recall listening to a lecture on the ethical steward in leadership by the late Howard Hendricks, a former professor at Dallas Theological Seminary. He spoke of his participation in a symposium at the Center for Creative Leadership, where it was determined the number one need in business leadership is ethics.…

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Religious Freedom By W. Scott Brown

By W. Scott Brown ~ With the recent death of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, a consistent defender of the religious liberty protections ensured by the U.S. Constitution, upholding religious freedom is a growing topic of national discussion and import. In recent years, our culture has shifted on this topic. Increasingly religious freedom is…

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Spiritual Transformation By Jeff Jones

By Jeff Jones ~ The role of the ministry workplace includes the spiritual transformation of those who serve the ministry. Maybe you have heard a colleague say something like:  “This isn’t the place for my spiritual growth; that’s for my church life.” While I understand this argument, I believe it is shortsighted. The ministry workplace…

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A Leader's Stakeholders By Kent Wilson

By Kent R. Wilson, PhD ~ Who are a leader’s stakeholders? For-profit organizations have owners and/or stockholders that the leaders of the business are accountable to, while nonprofit’s have no human owners, just stakeholders. Who are the stakeholders of a particular nonprofit organization, and to what degree is the leadership of the organization accountable to…

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The Mentoring Tree by Leighton Ford

By Leighton Ford A veteran missionary once described “banyan tree leadership.” Too many leaders, he said, are like the spreading Indian banyan tree, so thick it does not let the sun through to nourish the seedlings underneath. Senior leaders can take up so much space and oxygen they don’t allow others to flourish. In contrast…

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