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The Best Steward Leader Role Model by Dr. Marybeth Leavell

A Steward Role Model Set an Example to Follow The amazing thing about leadership is that everybody seems to have a different definition or uses different role models to set the standard. According to one source, there are over 850 recognized definitions for leadership! Of all these options, the leadership theory that resonates the most…

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7 Executive Leadership Principles By Ed Fry

Executive Leadership Principles from the Gospel of Luke Biblical executive leadership often looks very different from the rest of the world. But this is how Jesus lived — counter-cultural, redefining who a leader should be. The Gospel of Luke contains a wealth of insights into executive leadership principles as Jesus would display them. If we…

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Cross-ing Ourselves By Mark L. Vincent

What does cross-ing ourselves reveal about what we believe? By Mark L. Vincent ~ For those of us who observe the church year, Lent begins this week with Ash Wednesday. Many of us will receive an imposition of ashes on our foreheads in the sign of the cross, marking our humility and penitence before God.…

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