Posts Tagged ‘(COVID-19)’
Measuring COVID-19 Impact By Mark Mangin
Measuring the Impact of COVID-19 on Fundraising Programs COVID-19 has affected all of us profoundly. It changed the way we serve the public, interact with coworkers, and even the way we fundraise. So, as we seek to learn from the data, how do we measure the impact of COVID-19 on our fundraising programs? Here is…
Read MoreThe Pandemics We Don’t See By Atul Tandon
The Truth and A Response to a Pandemic Here in the United States, we know the severity of the health risks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. We know the economic implications for ourselves, our friends, and our neighbors. We know people who have lost jobs; people who feel isolated; people whose mental health is at…
Read MoreTalking Leadership with Tom Beck from Compassion Interntional
Talking Leadership and Gaining Wisdom Christian Leadership Alliance President and CEO Tami Heim recently interviewed Tom Beck, Senior Vice President for Global Human Resources at Compassion International. Tom has a heart for impoverished children and a strong belief in the transformative power of the church. As a consultant, he helped a variety of global para…
Read MoreA Winning Fundraiser During COVID-19 by Peter J. Mahler
Deliver a Fundraiser that Stands Out during COVID-19 It can be challenging to help your fundraiser rise “above the noise” during the best of times. But while our nation’s economy is struggling during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, meeting your fundraising goals is even more difficult. So, how can you run an effective campaign? Before you…
Read MoreLet’s Rescue Christmas By Kenneth G. Hodder
Here’s how we’re saving Christmas from COVID! As COVID-19 began to dominate headlines early this year, I knew requests for help would grow exponentially higher. But I confess that I underestimated the unprecedented impact it would have on every single aspect of our mission. We exist to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to…
Read MoreSpecial Employee Health Care By Ginger Hill
Employee Health Care for Mental and Emotional Health Struggles The rise of mental and emotional health struggles have been well documented during this pandemic period. In fact, in my corner of the world, the county coroner recently issued a dire warning about the upcoming fall and winter season based on concerns about a 23% increase…
Read MorePandemics, Elections and Fundraising By Wiley Stinnett and Christa Huff
What You Need to Know About Pandemics, Elections and Your Fundraising Now that we are a few months into this global pandemic, what have we learned about its impact on fundraising and what’s on the horizon—especially with the upcoming elections? The Pandemic So far, we’ve learned that the impact of COVID-19 is a process, not…
Read MoreOur “Come to Jesus” Moment By R. Scott Rodin
Is This Our ‘Come to Jesus’ Moment? Yesterday the Christian Post reported that “more than 60% of American believers of all faiths feel that the novel coronavirus pandemic is a sign that God is telling humanity in this moment to change how it is living.” It stated further that “thirty-one percent of Americans who believe…
Read MoreThe P2P Solution for Fundraisers During Crisis by Ray Gary
Discover the Power of P2P Fundraising for Your Ministry How can peer-to-peer (P2P) fundraising help nonprofits make up for cancelled events and lost revenue during this crisis? The answer is simple. Your most loyal and engaged donors still believe in your mission and want it to succeed. By “calling them to arms” and equipping…
Read MoreFundraising in the COVID-19 Crisis – Part I By Ron Frey
COVID-19: Fundraising in Crisis – Part I Someone recently asked: “Is this a blizzard, the onset of a long hard winter, or the beginning of an Ice Age?” How do you describe these times? Life disrupted? Yes, that’s an apt description, but it’s a lot more than that. The foundation of our economy shaken?…
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