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Purpose-Driven Impact By Brittané Dodwell

Inspiring Purpose-Driving Teams There is power when teams are inspired by achieving a purposed-driven impact. It takes intentionality and a focused team to unleash it. The fundraising world is fast-paced and ever-evolving as means and methods for donor communications and engagements change. So it’s easy to get lost in the laundry list of deliverables, strategies,…

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Custom Communications By Graham Shaw and Shelley Cochrane

Create Custom Communications that Work! It is possible for you to create custom communications that will work hard for you mission and ministry! “Your organization’s greatest challenge isn’t being exceptional, it’s being understood.” A friend of ours wrote this recently—and we would add, your greatest challenge isn’t being exceptional, it’s being understood so powerfully that…

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Late December Gifts By Shelley Cochrane

Expecting and Responding to Late December Gifts Thirty percent of annual giving occurs in December when everyone’s philanthropic tendencies begin to kick into high gear. This makes it a fantastic time of year to reach beyond your new and active donors, and reengage those lapsed donors as well. But don’t stop there! This is also…

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