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A Strategic Plan and the Steward Leader By Dr. Al Hearne II

A Steward’s Relationship with God and a Strategic Plan Today’s blog is the second in a series for steward leaders. The first blog, The Importance of Strategic Planning in All Areas of the Steward Leader’s Life, described a six-phase strategic planning process that is easy to follow, quickly adapted, and flexible in implementation. This blog…

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The Importance of Strategic Planning By Dr. Al Hearne II

Strategic Planning from a Steward Leader Perspective Today’s blog is the first in a series that will delve into the importance of strategic planning in all areas of the steward leader’s life. This blog explains the importance of strategic planning and describes a six-step strategic planning process. Future blogs will cover the importance of strategic…

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Intentional Relationships By Dr. Al Hearne II

The Steward Leader Builds Intentional Relationships What happens when the steward leader’s life becomes so challenging that they cannot fulfill their responsibilities or build relationships? “We own nothing. God owns everything; we are simply managers.” Boa (2005) The Bible says, ‘You may say to yourself, ‘My power and the strength of my hands have produced…

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Stewards of Succession Planning By Dr. Al Hearne II

The Steward Leader and Succession Planning Working with people at any level constantly challenges any leader; it involves thoughts, feelings, emotions, and expectations. Leaders strive for clear communication, yet how often do misunderstandings take place? Working with people and developing them for duties and responsibilities at a higher level is even more messy. I believe…

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Defining Success By Dr. Al Hearne II

How Do You Define Success? To lead, a person must have an inner desire to succeed. This inner desire drives them forward, helping them navigate the obstacles to achieve success. Yet success is hard to define because the definition changes based on the person, the industry, the project, or the task. Therefore, from start to…

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