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A Leader's Legacy By Jon Hirst

A Legacy of Stewarding Leaders In our hyperactive, personality-based leadership environment, being in the front of the room with the mic in hand is the goal. Leaders want a place at the table so that their influence can grow as they share what they know. But one of the most significant leaders in my life…

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Listening to the Stakeholders By Dr. Kent R. Wilson

How well are you listening to the stakeholders? By Kent R. Wilson, PhD ~ While for-profit organizations have owners or stockholders that the leaders of the business are accountable to, nonprofit organizations have no human owners, just stakeholders. And if you are a part of a Christian nonprofit, you ultimately are accountable to God as…

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A Story of Stewardship Optimization

 By Kent R. Wilson, PhD Jesus tells a story in Luke 13:6-9  that is as modern as it is ancient. It is a parable about an unfruitful fig tree that contains valuable information about resource management, making hard decisions, and steward leadership. An owner sees a fig tree in his orchard that has never produced…

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3 Critical Components of Leadership Development By Ken R. Wilson

There is no absence of opportunities today for nonprofit leaders to find resources to help them in their leadership development. There are seminars, workshops, conferences to attend, books to read, mentors to meet with, and groups to join. But are some forms of leader development more effective than others? A national foundation wanted to find…

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