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Should Your Board Be Fired?

Dr. Larry Johnston At the recent CLA Dallas 2014 Conference, I conducted a seminar with the intentionally provocative title, “Remind me… Why do we have a board?”  In the seminar, I asked all the participants to quietly reflect on the following question before they answered:             “If you weren’t legally required to have a board, would…

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The Call of the Cosmograph

by Larry Johnston  Ph.D Okay, maybe I’m just weird (close associates might say there’s no “maybe” involved!). But the simple truth is, I loathe waste. I’m sorry. I can’t help it. Inefficiency bothers me.  And not being strategic just drives me up the wall. It’s possibly little more than some quirky personality trait, but I suspect…

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The Aligned Board By Larry Johnston

The notion of alignment has shaped my thinking about nonprofit organizations for many years.  While somewhat intuitive at one level, intuition alone isn’t enough to align the management of nonprofits.  It would be best to have precise, practical tools and no small amount of wisdom, sheer grit, chutzpah, and dogged persistence. What continues to astonish…

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