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Biblical Leadership Lessons from 1 Peter By Ed Fry

1 Peter Offers A Powerful Leadership Blueprint In the journey of leadership, especially within the realms of faith and service, the guidance of scripture provides a blueprint for conduct and character. Among the many passages offering wisdom, 1 Peter 5:2-3 stands out as a seminal text, urging leaders to embody the shepherd’s heart in their…

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Finding Alignment By Ed Fry

Recruiting Leaders Who Demonstrate Alignment In the complex terrain of executive search, faith-based organizations face a unique challenge: securing leaders who are deeply aligned with their core values and mission. The success of such organizations hinges not just on leadership competence but also on a profound alignment with the ethos they uphold. The Unique Struggle…

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Lasting Leadership By Ed Fry

Securing Lasting Leadership Solutions In the dynamic landscape of today’s organizations, high leadership turnover has emerged as a daunting challenge, threatening to derail progress and drain institutional vitality. The continuous cycle of seeking, hiring, and often prematurely losing leaders can severely hamper an organization’s ability to achieve its mission-critical objectives. For faith-based organizations, the repercussions…

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Outcomes Conference Mainstage Highlight: Creating a Culture of Encouragement

Outcomes Conference Mainstage Panel Discussion on Shaping Culture During Wednesday afternoon’s Outcomes Conference mainstage session, Ed Fry, founder and president of FaithSearch Partners, is facilitating a vital panel discussion on how Christian leaders shape and create a culture of encouragement. Ed will be teamed up with Elaine Welcome, SVP Christian Media at FaithSearch Partners. Together,…

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7 Executive Leadership Principles By Ed Fry

Executive Leadership Principles from the Gospel of Luke Biblical executive leadership often looks very different from the rest of the world. But this is how Jesus lived — counter-cultural, redefining who a leader should be. The Gospel of Luke contains a wealth of insights into executive leadership principles as Jesus would display them. If we…

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Trends Leaders Should Assess By Ed Fry

3 Trends Faith-Based Business Leaders Should Assess Leaders must keep pace with the trends. In the ever-evolving business landscape, organizations constantly seek opportunities for a fresh perspective on their organizational procedures, policies, and mission. As a faith-based business, evaluating these elements is crucial for remaining effective not only in the community but within the organization itself.…

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Leadership Lessons from the Book of Romans By Ed Fry

Five Leadership Lessons from the Paul’s Letter to the Romans The Book of Romans offers timeless wisdom and valuable insights for leaders across various domains. While it is primarily a theological work, its principles extend beyond religion and provide a profound guide for leadership in the modern world. Romans sheds light on how Jesus shattered…

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Leadership in the Gospel of Mark By Ed Fry

Six Executive Leadership Principles in the Gospel of Mark Faith-based organizations, because of the gospel, are called to stand out. They are to be different than the other organizations in their industry. Leaders of those faith-based organizations should also live differently, by Christ rather than the world, and part of that is accessing and understanding…

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Leadership Principles Found In Matthew By Ed Fry

6 Executive Leadership Principles from the Gospel of Matthew In the Gospel of Matthew, we find leadership so radically different from how the religious leaders of the day lived their lives. Jesus revolutionized what it means to be a leader, and it astounded the people around him. And it drew many to him. The way…

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