Posts Tagged ‘financies’
A King’s Coin By Andrea Leigh Capuyan
A king’s coin offers us kingdom perspective. In the ancient world Caesar’s coin promised privilege, access. The image of Caesar was stamped on currency. It was his image, which gave a coin its value and weight. Caesar’s coin was an extension of his power. It fortified his empire. It secured his reach. Under Caesar’s rule,…
Read MoreLetters to Seven Churches by Dr. Gary Hoag
Letters to Seven Churches about Money By Dr. Gary Hoag ~ In Revelation 2-3 we find “the letters to the seven churches.” Some call them “love letters” as they come from Christ to His bride, the church, in the cities of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. This article highlights seven more New…
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