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In Search of Well-Being By Dr. Zenet Maramara

Definition and Christian Perspective on Well-Being The Oxford Dictionary defines well-being as “the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy.” For Christians, well-being reflects the Trinitarian life of God, characterized by flourishing within a community. This idea is deeply rooted in God’s nature as a relational being—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in perfect communion. This…

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Happiness and Human Flourishing By Dr. Zenet Maramara

The Search for Happiness and Human Flourishing Throughout history, people and society have pursued happiness and well-being. The worldly (hedonic) definition of happiness consists of enjoying the pleasures of life and adding fun, joy, and excitement to everyday living. People buy and accumulate stuff to make themselves happy. They seek gratification, entertainment, or amusement to…

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Flourishing Teams By RightNow Media@Work

Servant Leaders Shepherd Flourishing Teams A young cashier looked up from his register and noticed a group of older gentlemen emerging from a car outside the fast-food restaurant. Curiously, instead of walking together toward the door, they scattered around the parking lot. He couldn’t see what they were doing until they regrouped and approached the…

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Defining a Future By Janet Stump

Defining a Future that Leads to Flourishing By Janet Stump~ In his classic book, Leadership is an Art, Max DePree, made the oft-quoted statement, “The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality.” And as simple as that might sound, “reality” in a highly pluralistic society is not as easy to define as one…

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