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Leadership in the Gospel of Mark By Ed Fry

Six Executive Leadership Principles in the Gospel of Mark Faith-based organizations, because of the gospel, are called to stand out. They are to be different than the other organizations in their industry. Leaders of those faith-based organizations should also live differently, by Christ rather than the world, and part of that is accessing and understanding…

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In A Time Such As This by Steve Douglass

By Steve Douglass I became involved full-time in Christian work in 1969. In the next several years I learned what God was doing not just through our ministry but others as well. It was good then, but it was much less than what God is doing today. Consider some amazing facts: The church in China…

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Ministries Don’t Need Money! By Dr. Gary G. Hoag

Now that I have your attention allow me to explain my statement. The New Testament presents at least three things ministries (groups of Christ-followers working together on mission) need, and money is not one of them. 1.     Ministries need leaders who are free of the love of money and full of the love of God…

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Internet Evangelism: The Case for Actually Getting Results By John Edmiston

One of the most frequent objections to Internet evangelism and information technology in missions is that numbers and results are seen as worldly and, therefore, as “unspiritual.” Jesus was transformational. Jesus changed the situation that He was in. The change was visible, measurable, and often astonishing. The changes Jesus wrought were so startling that they…

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