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The Right Compensation By Bruce Dingman

The Right Compensation for Hiring the Best Talent Having a well thought through compensation plan can make a tremendous difference in staff morale, how employees think leadership values them, if they are being treated fairly, and employee engagement.  Not only is compensation important in employee retention, it also has a big effect on attracting good…

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More Efficient Recruiting and Hiring By Heather Mausz

4 Steps to a More Efficient Recruiting and Hiring Process Recruiting and hiring new employees is a task every organization has to explore, but ministry-based nonprofits are unique in their needs. When organizations take the time to look beyond requisite skills and prior work experience, they begin to refine their search in ways that help…

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An Ethical Recruiter By Dingman and Kidd

An Ethical Recruiter: Ethics and the Executive Search Process By Bruce Dingman and Rich Kidd~ Almost every organization wants to operate with high ethics, be professional and treat people well. But many people are unfamiliar with the executive search process and are unclear what they should do and what their search consultant should do. To…

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Discerning a Reference By Ed Fry

Discerning a reference can be a two-edged sword. By Ed Fry ~ Reference checking is a common component of most search processes. It is often one of the final steps taken before a candidate is selected for a position and as such, there is a tendency to treat this function as a formality. Through years…

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How to Build a Learning Culture By Michelle Wilson

To build a learning culture, Focus on the Family is aware of the need to identify committed, invested individuals during the hiring process. Creating an organizational culture of lifelong learning will be impossible if team members are not committed to the mission. That is why our Recruitment Department created a list of “6 C’s” —…

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