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Courageous Leadership By Chris Jorgensen

What Does Courage Have to Do with It? So much of leadership hinges upon courage. Successful leaders routinely display it; struggling leaders find courage challenging to muster, and some, once successful leaders, fail because they succumb to pressure and choose not to exhibit courage. Nehemiah 2 captures a tremendous example of leadership courage when Nehemiah…

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Leaders Who Persevere By Larry Gadbaugh

Biblical Perspectives on Perseverance Leadership requires perseverance through losses. Sacrifice is the cost of leadership. But what kind of a leader can outlast the threats from temptations, tests, and trials that he or she encounters? What is the difference between a person who perseveres with faithfulness and those who cannot continue? Challenging Times We are…

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Stop Raising Up Leaders By Alec Hill and Justin Lawrence

Leaders who can’t manage aren’t really leaders at all! A cottage industry has sprung up around Christian leaders and leadership. Whether it’s conferences, books, videos, or degree programs, there is no shortage of places to listen to inspiring thought leaders. What’s Missing But as we assess churches and other non-profits, this charge-ahead leadership model is…

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The Leader Development Crisis by Dr. Rob McKenna

  A Threatening Crisis – The Lack of Leader Development “What is the number one crisis threatening the future of the Church?” It was a question I asked a senior leader in a recent coaching conversation. Without hesitation he responded, “The deep-seated security of our leaders.” While we could roll past his response with only…

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Mentoring Next Generation Leaders by Dr. Tim Elmore

There is an art to mentoring next generation leaders. I just got off the phone with a business friend who was sharing about next generation leaders. He and I chuckled over an interview he’d just conducted with a recent college graduate. The candidate was a bright and overconfident female who told him in the midst…

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Why Are You Here? By Alex McElroy

Leaders, do you know why you are here? Some leaders are overconfident about their leadership ability. Some leaders don’t know how to access their leadership ability. All leaders need to ask themselves the question: why am I here? Whether you’re leading a workshop, ministry, corporation, team, family, or men’s club you should always know why…

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Listening Leaders By Heather McCulloch

  Are you a Listening Leader? There is power in listening, as referenced in the well-known story in the Bible of Jeroboam and Rehoboam in the book of I Kings.   This is a perfect example of a leadership struggle and the importance of being a listening leader. Jeroboam was a wise leader at the beginning…

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What's Impact Got to Do With It?

Impact has a lot to do with you. Faith-based nonprofits have visions and missions that guide the ‘why and how’ of their desired impact. If you serve in one, then perhaps you already recognize the significance of your leadership and your personal impact when it comes to achieving the ministry’s mission. United  Christian Leadership Alliance…

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Leaders Who Want to Last By David Sanford

Discover the 8 books for Christian leaders who want to last! by David Sanford ~  Every Christian leader who still wants to be in ministry five years from now needs to carefully read eight books. All eight have been game-changers for me. Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting Out of the Box by Arbinger Institute (Berrett-Koehler). This international mainstream best-seller applies what…

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Leaders By Lauren Libby

Entrepreneurial leaders are needed! By Lauren Libby~ I believe entrepreneurial leaders and teams are needed to enliven the 21st century mission’s movement. Entrepreneurial teams first of all need an entrepreneurial leader, a person who is not afraid to take steps of faith, a leader who can embrace change and be vision centered. Entrepreneurial Leaders Need…

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