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The Battle for Integrity By Dan Busby

  Recognize When the Battle for Integrity Begins While far from perfect, King David is one of the first ones we think of when the discussion turns to integrity. Asaph, the royal court composer, said David shepherded them with “the integrity of his heart and guided them by the skillfulness of his hands” (Psalm 78:72,…

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Ignite Hearts of Generosity By Patrick Johnson

Ignite Hearts of Generosity with Your Leadership The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. – J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring What if you were 98 years old? Consider the year 1919 and imagine your town. Was it even recognizable?  Were there paved roads and…

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Transformational Leadership By Monty McNair and Kirk Mallette

The Four Basic Components of Transformational Leadership While Paul wrote of spiritual transformation 2,000 years ago, the conception of Transformational Leadership Theory is fairly new. James MacGregor Burns first brought the concept of transformational leadership to prominence in his book Leadership (Harper Torchbooks, 1978). Originally this was in the context of his research into political…

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Communication Concepts By Priscilla J. DuBose

The Importance of Communication Concepts in a Leader-Follow Relationship Communication concepts in the leader-follower relationship are important because they provide a clear presentation of some helpful techniques about how individuals can evaluate their own communication abilities. Most importantly, one can improve his or her own communication skills by adhering to developing and earning trust by…

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Chainsaw or Scalpel? By William A Horton

Chainsaw or Scalpel? Which is the best tool for you? We all know that a chainsaw is used to cut down trees. A scalpel is a tool that a doctor uses to perform surgery. You would never imagine giving a plastic surgeon a chainsaw or a lumberjack a scalpel. Yet, we have all used the…

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Leadership Limits By Mark L. Vincent

THE LIMITS OF ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP Have you ever considered what the limits of your organizational leadership? I have. When my son got married it meant looking for a dress for his mother. In an act of impulsive love, I cancelled late afternoon plans and took my beautiful bride shopping. A mistake? I am good at…

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The Upside of Downturns By Larry Gadbaugh

Is there upside of the downturn you are facing? Downturns get our attention. What do you do when God calls you to expand your outreach, and your resources shrink? First Image (Pregnancy Resources of Portland) was on track for increasing the number of people we were serving throughout our city when the economy sprung a…

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Balancing Intuition and Strategy By Lee Ellis

Balancing the Gifts of Leadership Intuition and Strategy I’m observing an interesting leadership trend regarding intuition and strategy that deserves some deeper reflection. In our western culture, leaders are generally driven by data and metrics in daily decision-making. The other side of the leadership equation, though, is a leader’s abstract intuitive skills. Albert Einstein discovered…

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Why Are You Here? By Alex McElroy

Leaders, do you know why you are here? Some leaders are overconfident about their leadership ability. Some leaders don’t know how to access their leadership ability. All leaders need to ask themselves the question: why am I here? Whether you’re leading a workshop, ministry, corporation, team, family, or men’s club you should always know why…

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Leadership and Prayer By Howard Rich

Leadership Requires Prayer Prayer was an integral part of Jesus’ life and ministry.  His disciples saw him praying often and even asked Him to teach them to pray (Luke 11:1-4). The Lord’s Prayer, found in both Luke’s Gospel and the Gospel of Matthew, is a perfect example of the equipping relationship Jesus had with those…

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