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The Stewardship of Disruptions By Nathan Jones

By Nathan Jones~ How we handle the speed bumps in life says a lot about our stewardship of disruptions. My wife and I recently had the opportunity to travel with our youngest son to Texas for a conference. Half way through our sixty-minute drive to the airport my wife turned to me and said, “Oh…

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Lead Like Daniel By W. Scott Brown

By W. Scott Brown ~ Lately, I have thought often of Old Testament prophet Daniel and what it would mean to lead like Daniel. My pastor recently led a fascinating sermon series on the book of Daniel, and several books I read in recent months focused on Daniel and his life in Babylon. Like Daniel,…

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The Ethical Steward By Howard Rich

By Howard Rich ~ I recall listening to a lecture on the ethical steward in leadership by the late Howard Hendricks, a former professor at Dallas Theological Seminary. He spoke of his participation in a symposium at the Center for Creative Leadership, where it was determined the number one need in business leadership is ethics.…

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Serving Leaders By Ken Jennings

By Ken Jennings Ph.D. ~ Just serve them! That’s how Serving Leaders help their people achieve greatness. And that matters because it takes great people to make an organization great. While some may consider this ‘serving’ approach paradoxical, it was the exact approach Jesus taught his disciples. He said to them, “My cup you shall…

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A Leader's Stop Doing List By R. Scott Rodin

By R. Scott Rodin ~ There are three things that I believe should be on a leader’s stop doing list for 2016. Don’t let these rob you of the abundant life God has for you this year New Year’s resolutions are usually comprised of things we need to start doing. I want to challenge leaders…

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The Value of Accountability By Lee Ellis

By Lee Ellis ~ As 2016 quickly approaches, it is an appropriate time for you to renew the leadership value of accountability. Professional accountability is a good thing. Without it, excellence is merely a pipe dream and even average performance isn’t a realistic expectation. As a former POW in the camps of North Vietnam, I…

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The Prioritized Life with Doug Nuenke

Call. Influence. Legacy. These are key ideas that occupy the mind of every leader, and they all begin with a daily life lived for Jesus. Doug Nuenke, U.S. President of The Navigators and keynote speaker at the 2016 Outcomes Conference in Dallas, wrote about what this means to live a prioritized life in his book…

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A Steward Leader's Psalm By R. Scott Rodin

By R. Scott Rodin There are times when a scriptural passage strikes deep in your heart. You know the kind – it sticks in your head long after you’ve read it When you go back to it you meditate on it and roll it over in your mind a thousand times. For the last three…

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God's Objectives by Kent Wilson, PhD

By Kent Wilson PhD ~ How clearly do you understand God’s objectives for your stewardship? The Parable of the Talents in Matt. 25:14-30—and its parallel in Luke 19:11-27—develops one of the richest sources of information about the steward and stewardship in the biblical record. It is from this story that we can discern the historical and…

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The Rest of God by W. Scott Brown

“Return to your rest, my soul, for the LORD has been good to you.” ~Psalm 116:7 By W. Scott Brown ~ Is your soul at rest? In a world experiencing turmoil and uncertainty do you exude Christlike peace? Have you experienced the rest of God? Nothing speaks more powerfully to those we lead, or impacts more profoundly today’s restless…

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