Posts Tagged ‘listen’
Attune to God’s Guidance By Tracy Mathews
Attune and Tap in the Source How attuned are you? Do you struggle with insecurity, irritability, or being overwhelmed by your leadership? Do you face toxic relationships, uncertainties, or challenges you are unsure how to address? If you’re reading this post, I guess that you’re likely to believe that, through faith in Jesus, we have…
Read MoreMom Told Me I Should Listen More By Ed McDowell
Learning to Listen and More! Mom was right. When all you do is talk, it just makes other people annoyed or mad. When you listen, good things tend to happen. Reflection “Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.” James 1:19…
Read MoreFrom Whom Should I Learn? By Dr. Bob Snyder
Are you prepared to learn? What I learn is influenced by where I turn for answers and to whom I listen. The WHO is often as important as the WHAT in learning. My willingness to be open and teachable determines the path of my life journey. Early in my teenage years my mother and father…
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