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The Mentoring Impact on Ministry

By Dr. Liz Selzer Mentoring is a powerful tool for developing your staff and, ultimately, your ministry. This is especially true when jobs are tight and people are being asked to take on more tasks and step into more roles. The organizations I have worked with on mentoring have seen dramatic improvements in their workforce,…

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Missing God’s Intent By R. Scott Rodin

What do people get for all the toil and anxious striving with which they labor under the sun? All their days their work is grief and pain; even at night their minds do not rest. This too is meaningless. A person can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in their own…

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Digital Ministry in a Post-Website World By Dr. David T. Bourgeois

The Internet is the greatest communications tool ever invented by humans. It is the most rapidly adopted communication technology of all time, available to over two billion people at this time. Social media sites such as Facebook and YouTube are growing fast, with Facebook garnering over 1 billion user accounts in seven years and YouTube…

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5 Rules of Engagement for Ministry Marketing By Shannon Litton

Mission-minded ministry leaders often overlook (or choose to set aside) the critical job of building a sustainable and effective brand. Ministries must not underestimate brand management’s vital role in engaging and sustaining relationships with those who make their work possible. Your audience today requires authenticity. The shiny, perfectly packaged messages of yesterday are no longer…

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