Posts Tagged ‘Outcomes Conference’
The Art of Strategic Thinking By William A. Horton
What is strategic thinking? In Becoming a Strategic Leader, the authors state that strategic thinking can be defined as, “The collection, interpretation, generation, and evaluation of information and ideas that shape an organization’s sustainable competitive advantage.” Similarly, T. Irene Sanders in Strategic Thinking and the New Science, says thinking strategically involves a combination of an…
Read MoreThe Ultimate Strategy By Phyllis Hennecy Hendry
The Ultimate Strategy – Our Greatest Hope As I prepared to write about strategy, I couldn’t help but think about God’s ultimate strategy – restoration. God’s goal for all time has been to bring you and me home to him. We had a great start with God. Read the beginning of our story – Genesis…
Read MoreUnnamed Characters By Gary Hoag
Here is what we learn from three unnamed New Testament characters. By Gary Hoag ~ Lately, in my daily walk with Jesus I am learning a lot from unnamed NT characters. Stewards that pastor churches and administrate ministries often look at named saints in the Scriptures for inspiration and instruction. In this post, I highlight my top…
Read MoreRisk Management By Persuitti, Bushnell, and Rice
Risk Management: It’s vital for your ministry. By Peter A. Persuitti, Phil Bushnell and Dr. James A. Rice ~ Think of risk management as a prudent, informed enabling of the ministry that is the lifeblood of our building Christ’s kingdom on earth. Risk management is “vital”. In fact, the word vital derives from the Latin…
Read MoreThe Owner's Will By Howard Rich
Do you understand the Owner’s will? By Howard Rich ~ Have you ever used a little laser light to play with a cat? Cats will chase that little light all over a room, and even try to climb up a wall to catch the tiny spot created by the concentrated beam of light. As a…
Read MoreAn Urgent Plea By Scott Rodin
An Urgent Plea to Christian Leaders By Scott Rodin ~ The music is getting louder. In the third chapter of the book of Daniel, three men stood in the midst of a cultural collision. The society in which they lived and served was demanding allegiance to a set of values that directly conflicted with those…
Read MoreKnowledge Stewards By Jon Hirst
Are you wired to be a good knowledge steward? By Jon Hirst~ My wife and I are raising our children to steward the resources that God has given them wisely. As we walk alongside them in that journey, I have realized that some stewardship responsibilities are easier to get your head around than others. For…
Read MoreThe Legacy of Leadership with Mark Holbrook
A Perspective on the Legacy of Leadership – An Interview with Mark Holbrook Mark G. Holbrook is passionate about the integration of biblical principles into the workplace. He serves as the vice chairman of Christian Leadership Alliance’s (CLA) board of directors, and as the board chair for ECFA. He has served in various leadership roles…
Read MoreA Steward's Calling By Howard Rich
A Steward’s Calling in Christ By Howard Rich~ I have been thinking about my calling in Christ quite a bit lately. In the Bible when Jesus called a person to Himself, He most often simply said, “Follow me.” I was fifteen years old when Jesus reached into my life and said those words to…
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