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Leveraging Natural Assets By David Raley

One Highly Effective Habit of a Chief Development Officer  – Leveraging Natural Assets By Dave Raley ~ The best development leaders in the world recognize that every organization has what I call “natural assets.” Natural assets are things that are unique to that organization, and with a bit of creative thinking, they can be leveraged…

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Risk Management By Persuitti, Bushnell, and Rice

Risk Management: It’s vital for your ministry. By Peter A. Persuitti, Phil Bushnell and Dr. James A. Rice ~ Think of risk management as a prudent, informed enabling of the ministry that is the lifeblood of our building Christ’s kingdom on earth. Risk management is “vital”. In fact, the word vital derives from the Latin…

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Perspective, Curiosity, and A Learner Identity By Mark L. Vincent

Steward Leaders: Perspective, Curiosity and a Learner Identity By Mark L. Vincent ~ To lead an organization is to be regularly called on for perspective. To grow in that role does not just mean to learn, it involves embracing the identity of a Learner. Other identities tempt us: Telling (do this!) Doing (let me do…

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Passing the Mantle By Lee Ellis

Passing the Mantle:  Why is Developing Your Next Generation Leaders so Critical? By Lee Ellis ~ With summer in full swing, this is a natural time to reflect on this year’s accomplishments and how we as leaders can continue to grow our teams and organizations into the fall season. So, let’s pause to think how…

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The Moral Meaning of Money By Mark L. Vincent

THE STEWARD LEADER AND THE MORAL MEANING OF MONEY By Mark L. Vincent ~ Money is at the crux of many ethical dilemmas in the marketplace. Choices are often made in a moment, and in that moment a person’s or organization’s history, values, preferences and ethics come together. Consider the $561,000 bequest from Raymond Brown,…

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Three Financial Administration Tips by Dr. Gary G. Hoag

  Three Financial Administration Tips for Steward Leaders By Dr. Gary G. Hoag~ Back in college (which seems like a lifetime ago) I studied accounting. From there I went to seminary to get further training to use my skills to help run a ministry. In that setting few people understood financial statements and even fewer…

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Have You Left Jesus In the Car? By R. Scott Rodin

Three Danger Signs that You Have Left Jesus in the Car? By R. Scott Rodin~ I had a friend recently who lamented, “I drive to work listening to Christian music, praising God and sensing that Jesus is right there in the car with me. I pray out loud and enjoy some great fellowship time. Then…

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Run the Distance

What if you were willing to run the distance? Growth endeavors require commitment and this resolve is essential to press though the pain of change and transformation. So it is true with your personal leadership growth. And when it comes to achieving a level of leadership excellence, well that demands a moment-by-moment commitment to run…

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How You Measure Success By R. Scott Rodin

How you measure success in this life will dictate the way you live, the impact of your leadership and the legacy you will leave. By R. Scott Rodin PhD.. ~ Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions”…

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Ministry and Metrics by Gary G. Hoag

By Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D. Governing boards often require ministry leaders to use a variety of “metrics” to report results. These “metrics” often reflect the desired outcomes of ministry activity. Consider some examples of this practice: a Christian school might report enrollment figures, a medical ministry might tabulate the number of patients served, and a…

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