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Nonprofit Risk: An Interview with Gallagher’s Peter Persutti

Perspectives on Managing Nonprofit Risk Christian Leadership Alliance President and CEO Tami Heim recently interviewed Peter Persuitti, Global Managing Director, Nonprofit | Religious Practices, Gallagher. They explored the theme of this edition of Outcomes, “Risk.” For more than 22 years, Peter Persuitti has led a specialized group of consultants, claims administrators, and brokers. Gallagher is the world’s third-largest broker of insurance/reinsurance,…

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Risk Management By Persuitti, Bushnell, and Rice

Risk Management: It’s vital for your ministry. By Peter A. Persuitti, Phil Bushnell and Dr. James A. Rice ~ Think of risk management as a prudent, informed enabling of the ministry that is the lifeblood of our building Christ’s kingdom on earth. Risk management is “vital”. In fact, the word vital derives from the Latin…

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Why We Call Ourselves Nonprofits By Peter A. Persuitti

By Peter A. Persuitti At this year’s BoardSource Leadership Forum (BLF) — a gathering of more than 800 non-profit trustees, directors, executives and specialized service providers — someone raised the issue of why we call ourselves nonprofit. The query brewed as a result of the number of corporate executives in the audience on hand for…

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