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Listening to the Stakeholders By Dr. Kent R. Wilson

How well are you listening to the stakeholders? By Kent R. Wilson, PhD ~ While for-profit organizations have owners or stockholders that the leaders of the business are accountable to, nonprofit organizations have no human owners, just stakeholders. And if you are a part of a Christian nonprofit, you ultimately are accountable to God as…

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Supernatural Trust by Sara Nagelvoort Marlin

Supernatural Trust that Comes from Prayer is the Foundation for Steward Leadership By Sara Nagelvoort Marlin ~ My favorite Bible verse for as long as I can remember has been these very familiar words from the psalmist: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your…

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Spiritual Transformation By Jeff Jones

By Jeff Jones ~ The role of the ministry workplace includes the spiritual transformation of those who serve the ministry. Maybe you have heard a colleague say something like:  “This isn’t the place for my spiritual growth; that’s for my church life.” While I understand this argument, I believe it is shortsighted. The ministry workplace…

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Prayer in the Life of a Steward Leader by Howard Rich

By Howard Rich ~ Some of my biggest failures and frustrations in life have had their roots in arrogance.  Through the pain and mess of those failures, I have come to realize I need to stop trying to reinvent the wheel.  When I am approaching a new task – something I haven’t done before –…

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The Prayers of a Steward Leader by Mark L. Vincent

By Mark L. Vincent I am currently teaching The Steward Leader for Christian Leadership Alliance for a group of international persons. Having taught this course several times to mostly Americans I’m struck with a couple of contrasts. First, is the order of magnitude of issues being considered. Americans are largely concerned with how to demonstrate a steward’s…

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4 Metrics for Ministry in the Workplace by Jeff Jones

By Jeff Jones Maybe you have heard a colleague say something like:  “This isn’t the place for my spiritual growth; that’s for my church life.” While I understand this argument, I believe it is shortsighted. The ministry workplace also has a role in spiritual development. We are called to be Christ-centered communities. Any other approach…

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Ash Wednesday: The Time of Preparation Begins by R. Scott Rodin Ph.D.

By R. Scott Rodin Ph.D. This blog post falls one of the most important day in the Christian church calendar, Ash Wednesday. This day marks the beginning of a forty day preparation time leading up to holy week and the culminating celebration of Easter Sunday. This time of preparation is referred to as Lent and…

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3 Leadership Lessons from Lent by R. Scott Rodin Ph.D.

By R. Scott Rodin Ph.D. This blog post falls one week before an important day in the Christian church calendar, Ash Wednesday. This day marks the beginning of a forty day preparation time leading up to holy week and the culminating celebration of Easter Sunday. This time of preparation is referred to as Lent and…

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The Power of Prayer in Kingdom Fundraising

By Jim Loscheider Years ago, one of my mentors shared a powerful concept that resonates with me to this day. He said, “the glory of God is our highest priority and prayer is our first work.”  Of course!  Everyone who’s been transformed by Christ will eventually discover that God owns it all, and we are simply…

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