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Fruit That Lasts by Dr. R.Scott Rodin

No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. – John 15: 4 By Dr. R. Scott Rodin ~ A number of years ago, God confronted me with a significant fallacy that I had been living with for most of my…

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Measure Success By Dr. R. Scott Rodin

How you measure success in this life will dictate the way you live this life and the legacy you will leave. By Dr. R. Scott Rodin ~ “How do you measure success?’ In my work as a consultant for not-for-profit organizations, I am ask this questions at the start of every consultation.  I have found…

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Non-Profit Boards By R. Scott Rodin

Five Questions Every Christian Non-Profit Board Must Answer By R. Scott Rodin ~ A great deal of time and resources are being invested these days helping non-profit boards be more effective. There are a growing number of books, seminars, webinars, training programs, online resources and assessment tools available to those seeking to better serve the…

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God's View of a Successful Leader By R. Scott Rodin

What God View of a Successful Leader? By R. Scott Rodin ~ What does it mean to be a successful leader? How do you know you are succeeding? Based on what? And in whose opinion? All of us, in our own ways, need to answer these questions for ourselves. Yet I am concerned that our…

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The Esther Ultimatum By R. Scott Rodin

The Esther Ultimatum: Finding our place in our present cultural warfare By R. Scott Rodin ~ Words of great wisdom seem to live a circular existence. When first uttered, they amaze and inspire. However, after continued use and overuse, they become trite and are set aside. After their time in exile from popularity most will…

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A Post-Truth World By R. Scott Rodin

Steward Leaders in a Post-Truth World By R. Scott Rodin ~ By now you have likely heard that Oxford Dictionary has named ‘post-truth’ its 2016 word of the year. The dictionary defines post-truth as “relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal…

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An Urgent Plea By Scott Rodin

An Urgent Plea to Christian Leaders By Scott Rodin ~ The music is getting louder. In the third chapter of the book of Daniel, three men stood in the midst of a cultural collision. The society in which they lived and served was demanding allegiance to a set of values that directly conflicted with those…

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Have You Left Jesus In the Car? By R. Scott Rodin

Three Danger Signs that You Have Left Jesus in the Car? By R. Scott Rodin~ I had a friend recently who lamented, “I drive to work listening to Christian music, praising God and sensing that Jesus is right there in the car with me. I pray out loud and enjoy some great fellowship time. Then…

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The Owner Leader By R. Scott Rodin

By R. Scott Rodin ~ There are countless temptations that face us as leaders and three in particular create a perfect storm that can trap us into the bondage of the owner leader.  How do you react when people who are seeking to raise funds ask to have access to ‘your people’? Your answer is…

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A Steward Leader's Psalm By R. Scott Rodin

By R. Scott Rodin There are times when a scriptural passage strikes deep in your heart. You know the kind – it sticks in your head long after you’ve read it When you go back to it you meditate on it and roll it over in your mind a thousand times. For the last three…

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