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The Choice

Today is the first day of the 2014 CLA National Conference in Dallas. The theme of this year’s conference is Kingdom Outcomes.  Each year, CLA selects one book that captures the spirit of the theme. The conference book of the year for 2014 is, The Choice: The Christ-Centered Pursuit of Kingdom Outcomes  (ECFA Press 2014) By Gary…

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3 Core Characteristics of Kingdom Outcomes

Gary G. Hoag, Ph.D., R. Scott Rodin, Ph.D., & Wesley K. Willmer, Ph.D. We propose that kingdom outcomes have three characteristics: Kingdom Outcomes are the Byproduct of Obedience to the Holy Spirit Kingdom outcomes are the result of submission to the leading of the Holy Spirit. In Galatians 5:22-23, Paul reminds us that it is the Spirit…

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Leadership Lessons Lost By R. Scott Rodin

How would you answer these three questions: Is God leading you on a path of deepening faith and discovery in your role as a leader Do you believe He cares as much about your spiritual development as your vocational success? How does God teach you? Consider your answers and see if they don’t paint a…

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Fail to Live Up to Other’s Expectations By R. Scott Rodin

Learning to lead like Jesus For everyone in leadership who wants to follow Jesus, I would suggest the best place to start is Philippians 2:7, where Paul tells us that Jesus “made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant.” It does not say Jesus became a man of immoral…

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