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The Power of Influence by Howard Rich

By Howard Rich ~ There is much we can learn about the power of influence in the life of a leader. When a person exerts consistent and continuous influence in another person’s life or the lives of a group, that person is a leader.  When a parent helps a child decide what courses to take during…

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God's Provision by Howard Rich

By Howard Rich ~ I have sometimes wondered how the Israelites could experience God’s provision and protection, in a visible way during the Exodus, then immediately turn away to mold an idol and worship it while Moses was on the mountain receiving God’s instructions for their future as His people (Exodus 32). I mean, they…

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The Character of Steward Leaders by Howard Rich

By Howard Rich ~ The issue of a leader’s personal character is crucial, especially considering followers of Jesus Christ should be outstanding examples of trustworthiness, yet there seems to be a lethargy and complacency concerning integrity among some Christians, which is out of sync with so many of the teachings in Scripture. Character is an…

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Prayer in the Life of a Steward Leader by Howard Rich

By Howard Rich ~ Some of my biggest failures and frustrations in life have had their roots in arrogance.  Through the pain and mess of those failures, I have come to realize I need to stop trying to reinvent the wheel.  When I am approaching a new task – something I haven’t done before –…

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The Steward Leader: A Transformation of Roles by Howard Rich

By Howard Rich The Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25 teaches the principle of stewardship, and the inescapable fact nothing belongs to a person that has not been entrusted to him by the rightful owner.  God is the originator of everything in existence, He grants access to His resources at His discretion, and He…

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Stewards Hold Power Loosely by Howard Rich

By Howard Rich As much as we want to believe we are irreplaceable, that we are the glue holding our organizations together, the reality is we are replaceable.  The day after we leave our organization, the sun will rise, the earth will continue to spin, and God’s Kingdom will flourish.  Jesus entrusted His Kingdom expansion…

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When Stewards Fall: Restoration

By Howard Rich When I think about the ups and downs, the successes and the failures of my life, I sometimes think of the Apostle Peter.  He was one of the inner circle, witnessed the transfiguration, professed Jesus as Christ, and walked on water with the King.  Those were some of his better moments, which…

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When Stewards Fall: Restitution

By Howard Rich Every leader faces gray areas when it comes to personal and business use of the resources under their care.  As leaders, we often receive certain perks, and sometimes those perks can go to our head, drawing us to take what does not belong to us.  How do we handle frequent flyer miles gained…

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Steward Leaders Empower Others

By Howard Rich We’ve all heard Lord Acton’s saying, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”  Most leaders do not hold absolute power, but all of us hold some power.  Power is an essential force in human relations, but it can be a major hindrance to leading as a steward.  Successfully handling the…

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Steward Leaders are Influencers

By Howard Rich When a person exerts consistent and continuous influence in another person’s life or the lives of a group, that person is a leader.  When a parent helps a child decide what courses to take during her freshman year of college, that parent is demonstrating leadership.  When a young man challenges his friend’s moral…

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