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The Image-Bearer By Andrea Leigh Capuyan

Being an Image-Bearer and Steward Being a reflection of God changes how we respond in relationships – in love, life, and loss. Being God’s image-bearer transforms how we steward power and leadership. I work as a leader in a ministry focused on the struggles of relationships and the broken strategies that impact us because of…

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Legacy By Dr. Brian S. Simmons

The Legacy of a Steward Leader What does Scripture say about the legacy of a steward leader? “How joyful are those who fear the Lord and delight in obeying His commands.  Their children will be successful everywhere.  An entire generation of godly people will be blessed.  They, themselves, will be wealthy, and their good deeds…

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Humility and the Steward Leader By Dr. Marybeth Leavell

“Humility is simply the proper assessment of who we are in relationship to God.” ~ Charles Spurgeon A favorite saying of mine is, “One of the leadership traits that I am most proud of is my humility!” Even though this is laughable, it may seem like an unlikely trait for leaders in our culture, who…

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A Strategic Plan and the Steward Leader By Dr. Al Hearne II

A Steward’s Relationship with God and a Strategic Plan Today’s blog is the second in a series for steward leaders. The first blog, The Importance of Strategic Planning in All Areas of the Steward Leader’s Life, described a six-phase strategic planning process that is easy to follow, quickly adapted, and flexible in implementation. This blog…

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Stewarding Your Heart By Jon Lewis

Guarding Your Heart – the Wellspring of Life Recently, during our breakfast devotional, my wife and I discussed the great admonition presented in Proverbs 4:23: Above, all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. At first, we reminded ourselves of the typical applications inspired by the following four verses that encourage…

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The Best Steward Leader Role Model by Dr. Marybeth Leavell

A Steward Role Model Set an Example to Follow The amazing thing about leadership is that everybody seems to have a different definition or uses different role models to set the standard. According to one source, there are over 850 recognized definitions for leadership! Of all these options, the leadership theory that resonates the most…

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Hearing God in an Odd Convergence R. Scott Rodin

Convergence of Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday From the Heart of a Steward Today represents an interesting convergence of two days. I love Valentine’s Day. I mark the Day with gifts and words conveying my love for Linda each year. It is a warm and bright day amid a dark and dreary season. So, I…

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Intentional Relationships By Dr. Al Hearne II

The Steward Leader Builds Intentional Relationships What happens when the steward leader’s life becomes so challenging that they cannot fulfill their responsibilities or build relationships? “We own nothing. God owns everything; we are simply managers.” Boa (2005) The Bible says, ‘You may say to yourself, ‘My power and the strength of my hands have produced…

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Thanksgiving Is All in Your Head By R.Scott Rodin

Is Thanksgiving in your head, and should it be? The Oxford Dictionary defines thanksgiving as “the feeling of being happy or grateful because of something.”[1] I think the Oxford Dons got it wrong. What they’ve described is thanksfeeling. If they are right, then it will only take a brief viewing of local, national, and world news to convince you to leave…

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Sustainability According to the Scriptures by Dr. Gary G. Hoag

Mindset for the Sustainability of Churches and Ministries What mindset should stewards have regarding the sustainability of operations? Churches and ministries need funding to address local needs, aid those in crisis, teach students, and deploy missionaries. The world says, “Resources are scarce. Supply is limited to man’s capacity. So, as a result, you must hoard…

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